Chapter 5

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[Y/n] was feeling something wrong. She knew what exactly this is.

She fell in love with the one she made. But this is not good. She's a human, he's an android. That's... That's very wrong. Even if she saw that someone married Hatsune Miku on the news.

'Kōshi is an android! He wouldn't even feel love like what I feel! If only I could make him a human.. But that's very wrong! And... Impossible. Only the ones above could make a human and give life... Although Krillin married Android 18-NO STOP! THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! EVERYONE WOULD THINK THAT YOU'RE WEIRD!!'

"[Y/n], is something bothering you? I can sense confusion coming from you."

"Kōshi... I don't know why I'm asking this but... Do androids also feel love and stuff like that?"

"Why are you asking [Y/n]?"

"Uhmm... I'm curious that's it..."

"I think I do feel love."


"Yes, especially when I'm around you [Y/n]. I think I wasn't suppose to feel this but I-I do."

"What love do you feel?"

"L-love... Like this [Y/n]."

Kōshi held [Y/n] close. He put his hands on her cheeks and moved closer til their lips connected. It was short but meaningful.


"I didn't thought that this would be possible but I love you [Y/n]. I wish I was a human..."

"I love you too but I'm sorry Kōshi... I don't have the power... I wish I was just the same as you."

"No [Y/n]. Please just stay like that. Don't do experiments to yourself. Please..."

"Alright Kōshi... But how are we suppose to... Love each other like this?"

"I don't know but I think that we should marry each other and act normal. And adopt kids like that!"

"You're so funny."

"But I'm seriousss..."

"I know... I guess we can but hey, let me study first okay? Don't worry, I'm on my last year and not too long I will graduate. But... College."

"I'm always here [Y/n]. I could help you with your studies."

"That would be nice..."

"Anything for you [Y/n]..."

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