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    I was in my room, not too far down the hall from where Rhys, Feyre, Cassian, and Azriel were. I could hear them talking as I slowly brushed out my long golden brown hair so I could begin to braid the top of it. I still wore my hair half up half down so the tips of my pointed ears would be hidden.

     "You can't go all by yourself. " There was a break in his voice. When he spoke again, it was hardened. "Azriel, It's too dangerous." Cassian's voice reached my ears. I could picture how he looked. He was probably leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. His face would be weary and show a lot of concern, not only for his brother but my sister as well. Nesta still refused to let me talk with her. The last time I had tried, I had been kicked out of her house crying.

     I had asked her if she would come over for one of the family dinners and told her that Feyre and I missed her. Nesta's face, which was already stone, hardened even more. "I don't want anything to do with your family Elain. I don't want anything to do with you. Now get. Out." She pointed towards the door. The tears started coming, and I couldn't stop them, no matter how hard I tried. Nesta didn't even flinch. So I got up and left.

     Azriel is the one that spoke this time. "I'm a Shadowsinger and a trained Illyrian. I think I can handle a few humans. Your concern is misplaced." His voice was calm and slightly amused. I'd always thought something about his voice was soothing. Maybe that's why I'd allowed him to get closer to me than the others.

     But I can't exactly blame Cassian for not wanting to send one of our family members off by themselves. Mor was already visiting another court and Nesta might as well be missing entirely.

     The arguing continued from down the hall. Rhys and Feyre couldn't go because they had their duties as High Lord and Lady, Mor couldn't go because for the past week she had been off visiting the Winter Court, Cassian was going to the Illyrian camps tomorrow, and no one wanted to send Amren to peace talks. But me, I could go. I wouldn't mind. I liked the Night Court, but I missed the human lands. I'm assuming that he's headed there if he's going to be dealing with humans.

      My land. And Graysen's lands. I had just stopped wearing the engagement ring a couple of months ago. Now that I was away from him I've come to realize that I still loved him, I think a part of me always would, but it wasn't the overwhelming love that I had once felt.

     I don't think anyone expected for me to walk out of my room and say, "I'll go with him." I knew what they thought of me, knew that they thought I was a fragile flower that would bend over and snap when the slightest breeze went by. But that was not true- I was strong.

     To my surprise, none of them really objected. Cassian did make a sputtering sound and Feyre opened and closed her mouth like a fish as she tried to think of something to say but Rhys just looked at me, shrugged and said, "Sure, why not?" Feyre looked at him like there was a bunch of reasons why I shouldn't go.

     "But... Elain if you go, know that there is a small chance you might have to fight. The purpose of the meeting is a peace talk, but humans don't tend to like us Fae that much." Rhys explained to me. I knew that already.

     I gave a soft smile. "As long as I don't have to wear those leathers I'm good to go." The Illyrian leathers we're just so... revealing. Feyre had no problem with them, but she'd always preferred pants and a tunic over dresses.

     "You shouldn't have to." Was the reply Feyre's mate gave me.

     "Good." Keep it simple. I looked at Azriel to ask my next question. "When do we leave?"

     "As soon as you're ready."

     I'd have to quickly pack some clothes to bring. When I announced that Rhys said, "No need- Nuala and Cerridwen are already working on that. They'll drop it off at where you're to stay for the next month."

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