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"So that could have gone better." Azriel spoke, trying to smooth the evening over. We were on our way back to the room we had been assigned after an extremely awkward and tense dinner. I merely nodded, not in the mood for company. Unfortunately for me, we had to share that tiny closet Greysen called a room. And it's one bed.

I knew Greyson's estate and how many people he had taken in. There was plenty of other larger rooms he could have given us. So why give us this one?

Did he think that I had moved on or did he just want to make us as uncomfortable as possible? Or did he just want to put us on the opposite side of the house as him and his father?

Even though I had stopped wearing my ring, the thought stung. I knew that deep down, some small part of me would always love him, even if I knew that he was no longer right for me, that we no longer fit.

But if he wasn't right for me, who was?

It had been a year since the war and since I found out I had a mate. Lucien. I still barely knew him and had really only talked to him a handful of times. From those times, I figured out that I just... didn't click with him, not like I had with Greysen. I know he thinks that I haven't given him a fair chance, but I can't stand the look that he gives me- that look full of hope and what could be love. He seemed to be a decent enough male, but I couldn't see myself loving him like that. We might have been made mates by the Cauldron, but we were all wrong for each other.

But then at the same time, my heart felt like it was going to burst when I saw Greysen again. I wish...

I wish that I had never became Fae.

I nearly ran into Azriel when he stopped to unlock the door. He finally managed to get the old, slightly rusted door open and we walked in.

Shivering, I closed the door behind me. When I was in here earlier I hadn't realized how cold it was. My dress did nothing to protect me against the chill and, as it was summer, I had brought no warm or even long sleeved clothes with me. Stupid, so stupid.

To do something, I went over to the dresser that one of the servants had transferred our clothes into. I looked through it and was disappointed when my fears of not having warm clothing was confirmed. Why had I not thought to bring something long sleeved?

Sighing, I grabbed a modest nightgown and disappeared into the bathing room to change.

I really, really regretted my decision to come here.


Moira. That was her name. A gorgeous name for a gorgeous person.

It was kind of close to mine.

Sure enough, she had been at the party tonight. This time, she had on a strapless and backless black dress. She looked like a classic- little black dress with gently curled hair spilling over one gorgeously smooth, honey, shoulder.

When I walked in with my two friends, she had been watching the door anxiously, a frown playing on her red painted lips. As soon as she spotted me, however, that frown had disappeared and had been replaced with a radiant smile. With a hasty goodbye to my friends, I had rushed over to her to meet her.

The green eyed female had clutched my hands. "I'm so glad you're here. I was starting to wonder if you had set me up."

Suddenly serious, I met her gaze. "I wouldn't do that."

"I'm glad. Do you want to dance... er, what was your name? I don't think I caught it last night?"

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I made up my mind to be truthful with her. There was no point in denying my true name- she would find out sooner or later. "Morrigan, but please call me Mor. I didn't catch yours either."

A Court Of Glass And Fearحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن