1: Unfortunate

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I stared blankly at the wall in front of me in complete silence. Inside I was screaming; my pulse racing a million miles an hour, and yet I was physically too numb to react.

So I sat there, halfway listening to Arron- who would soon be my ex boyfriend. He was struggling, fumbling with an explanation; a half assed apology of sorts, but with every beat of my heart my body began to come alive. "You just need to leave', my conscience ordered.

"-and I don't know like... maybe she was-"

"I have to go." I cut Arron off mid sentence. When I looked at him his face was frozen. He seemed shocked that I'd cut him off but he didn't show any signs of remorse for what he had done. He only looked exhausted from trying to come up with a good enough excuse as to why...

"Oh?" He sounded almost relieved to be asking the question- making his performance sound even more rehearsed and strained. "You don't have to go," He muttered. "we can work this out." He lacked any and all emotion behind his words.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." I smiled as best as I could, reassuring myself more than him that I was fine- or would be. Eventually.

He looked away as I stood up to gather my things. There was no point in reconciling with him. Everyone had told me he had been... They had all warned me about him.

Arron surprisingly got up to show me to the door. He was silent the entire time- either lacking the right thing to say or finally relieved that I didn't want him to say anything at all. "I know you don't want to hear it but-"

"Hey, look. It was fun. There's nothing more to say." And with my makeshift goodbye, I closed his own door on his face and proceeded home.

I should have listened to my friends when they had told me he was a slimy piece of shi- my phone rang. I swear if it's- It was my best friend Claire. Relieved it wasn't Arron, I answered the call.

"Hey, what's up?"

A familiar song blasted through the speaker. "Hey!" She was yelling over the music. "What are you doing? Are you still with Arron?" People were yelling in the background.

"Uh...no. I was heading home." Claire ordered for someone to shut up and by the sound of it, was walking somewhere more quiet.

"Why? Did something happen?" I hesitated, deciding whether or not to tell her yet.

"Well... Arron was a cheater. You guys were right." Claire gasped.

"I f*cking knew it! When I see him I'm gonna-"

"No! Claire, I appreciate you looking out for me but I just played it all off like I was in it for the thrill... like I hadn't taken anything seriously the whole time. I don't know why, I just don't want any of the drama that comes with real breakups, yano? It's just easier on me if he thinks I never cared in the first place."

"That's harsh... I like it."

"You know me, 'heartbreaker'." I let out a short laugh and backed myself against my car- looking up at the starry sky above.

"Well, I know something that might make you feel better. I'm having a little get together at my place tonight. My brother is in town for the weekend and his friends are coming... cute friends." I make an approving noise as I enter my car.

"That might be fun." Part of me wanted to go, but the internalized emotional agony of what had just happened begged me to go home and hibernate in bed.

"So you're coming. I'll see you in ten?" A guy yelled in the background. "Ooo, one of Jack's extra cute friends just asked who's coming. So you better get here before people start showing up and calling dibs!"

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