5: Jealousy

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"Well... I'll get going. Frederick, why don't you come with me?" Trevor grabbed Rick and he was gone in seconds.

"Hey!" I yelled, afraid Trevor would hurt him.

"Why are you worried about him? Would you really rather have a human as your mate? Do you know how pathetic that is?" I ignored Marcus, taking off in the direction Trevor disappeared to.

Marcus pulled me back by my arm and opened my bedroom door, dragging me inside. "Let go, Marcus! I'm not fighting with you!" He threw me from his grasp. I stumbled in my heels but managed to catch myself before face planting the floor.

"You fancy him?" I stood up straight, holding my head high.

"Don't be petty. I don't want him to get hurt." Marcus cackled.

"Petty?" We stared at each other for a moment in silence. Then he flipped a table. "I said not to mess with another man, and what do you do? You go and flirt with the human!" I cowered backwards, away from him. "You'd rather be bound to someone who will die in sixty years? And be left alone forever?"

"Oh bullshit, your dad had another woman before Marissa. That 'mate' crap is a lie, Marcus. We aren't compatible! I was just chosen by some witch to be tormented because of whatever shitty thing I've done!" Marcus lunged at me. Somehow I dodged him, and I sprinted towards the bathroom. He grappled at my dress but I was determined to get away. I kicked my heels off and swung my elbow backwards- it connected with his face and he let me free enough from his hold to rip myself away. My dress tore in the process but I made it inside the bathroom locking the door behind me.

"Open the door this instant!" Marcus screamed. I ran to crouch in the farthest corner from the door. I grabbed a towel, covering myself. My dress was practically useless, it hung onto my body by threads.

Marcus kicked the door in, and I scrambled to my feet prepared to run again.

"Don't even think about it." He stalked over towards me. I reached for anything near me, throwing it at him. His nose was bleeding already, from the elbow to his face.

Mason reached me, grabbing my arms. I tried hitting him but he counteracted by pinning them to my sides. I desperately kicked at him but nothing was working. He threw me back into the wall, the impact knocking picture frames down around me. Glass shattered everywhere.

"Stop fighting me, you're only making things worse for yourself." I tried prying myself free. "Priscilla, stop." I hiked my leg up, kicking him in between his legs. He groaned and cradled himself, letting me free.

Forgetting I was barefoot, I sprinted away from him. The glass shards covering the floor sliced my feet. I screamed, and without thinking fell to the ground. More glass embedded itself into my legs and side. I clawed at the floor, pulling myself away from Marcus, but the glass piercing and slicing my skin made it unbearable to keep going.

"Priscilla." Marcus crouched down beside me. "Let me help you."

"No!" I sobbed. "Don't touch me." Marcus scooped me up in his arms anyways. I screamed, glass shards shifting in my skin as I moved.

"I'll take you to Trevor."

"Marcus, no. I'm already hurt, I learned my lesson. Please don't take me to him." I begged.

"He's not punishing you. He's faster than I am. He can pull all the glass out in minutes. It would take me hours or more." I shivered at the thought of Trevor being near me with medical supplies.

Marcus practically ran down the hallway- to who I assumed was Trevor's room.

"Just barge in!" Trevor yelled. He was laying in bed with the girl from dinner. "What happened?" He darted to his feet.

"You crazy family is what happened." I hissed. Marcus laid me down on a table in the corner of Trevor's room. There was a tray of food there, but he knocked it off to make room for me.

"Just get the glass out of her, please." Trevor opened his closet and pulled out a briefcase.

"Did you shoot her with a glass gun, why is there so much?" He seemed amused.

"Questions later. As for now, just do what I ask of you." Marcus was tense, almost like he was worried for me.

Trevor held a pair of scissors and a set of forceps in his hands. "Woa, what are you doing?" I tried squirming away but the pain of moving held me hostage.

He handed Marcus the scissors and they began cutting my dress off. My breathing fastened.

Trevor started pulling the glass out of my skin without warning and with speed so fast, I could barely see his hand. It was more of a blur of motion. I winced and groaned, clenching my jaw and fists for comfort. At one point Marcus took my hand in his and I only thought it fair to use his hand as stress relief. I showed it no mercy.

"Done." Trevor dropped the forceps onto the table and raised a cup that had been sitting next to me. He rattled it and smiled. "Souvenir?" I groaned and stared at the ceiling.

A shirt was thrown at me then. I flinched and slowly sat up, realizing Marcus had stripped his. "What's this?" I rolled off the table. My feet were covered in cuts and I winced at the sting standing brought to them.

"Put it on." I looked down at myself. I was in only my undergarments. Blushing, I quickly put the shirt on.

"Hey, you could've at least repaid me by letting me enjoy the show." Trevor teased but Marcus was not amused. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door.

"Marcus, stop." The cuts on my feet were burning.

"She's bleeding all over my floor. You didn't let me bandage her." Marcus swung me up into his arms again, I gasped.

"I'll do it myself."

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