3: Family Feud

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"You marked her?" Marcus screamed. His volume was what woke me. "How dare you!"

I opened my eyes. I was in a bedroom. Marcus and Trevor were standing across the room arguing.

"She provoked me! Blame her!" Trevor pointed in my direction. It was then that they realized I was awake.

"Oh good, you're up. So you can explain to me exactly what happened." Marcus stormed my way. I sat up in bed hugging the blanket to my chest.

"I'm sorry." I raised my hand for protection and he knocked it down grabbing me by my shirt.

"Explain yourself." He growled in my face.

"Don't be jealous." Trevor chimed in. Marcus directed his rage at him.

"Get out!" Marcus sounded murderous, and I was terrified for Trevor to leave. I pleaded at him with my eyes but didn't look to notice. "Now," Marcus glared back at me. "what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything- I swear." He threw me back against the headboard.

"Liar! I'm not sharing a little slut with my brother so you'd better have a good explanation as to why he marked you." I swallowed, my breathing was shaky; as was my whole body.

"I fell. My lip b-busted open and I- he said he was a vampire and I made f-fun of him and he bit me." I stammered. Marcus searched my face for deception.

"He bit you twice. He told me. Where?" Marcus let me go. "Show me." A shiver made its way down my spine.

I uncovered myself and showed him my arm. His eyes burned. I didn't want to show him the second- or tell him. I was afraid, but I knew if I didn't then he'd be irate.

I pointed to my mouth. "And my lip." I whispered. Marcus growled.

"You kissed him?" I cowered into the bed shaking my head.

"No. He forced me- I was chained to the wall." Marcus glowered at me. His eyes were almost so black, they were blue.

"You're mine. You're here for me. You belong to no one else. You aren't allowed to touch, talk to, or even think about another man so as long as you're with me. Do you understand?" I swallowed my fear.

"Yes." I squeaked. His eyes softened.

"You don't need to be so afraid of me. If you're obedient, then you won't have anything to worry about." Marcus slowly lowered himself to be seated on the bed. "Now, it's only right for me to reclaim you as mine. I'm going to have to do this." He leaned in.

"No please, don't bite me. I lost too much blood already. I can't take anymore. I'm yours just please don't hurt me." I pushed at his chest. I knew it was taking a risk, telling him no, but I was desperate. I wished this was all a dream, and that I'd wake up at Claire's with a nasty hangover.

Marcus placed his hand on mine. "I'm not a vampire. I'm a werewolf. And marking you is more of a complicated task compared to my brothers." I tried pulling my hand away but he held it in place. "I only meant that I have to kiss you now." My stomach dropped and fluttered. What was I feeling?

I stared down at his lips. They were inviting; full and soft looking, but no- I wasn't going to allow myself to even think about them in that way. I was going to get out of this place. I just had to figure out how.

Marcus leaned in, grabbing the back of my neck so that I couldn't pull away, and he kissed me. His lips were just as soft as they'd looked. I felt myself flush and when he pulled away, I immediately covered myself with the blankets and sank into the bed to hide it.

"Don't be shy. It's perfectly okay to like it." I clenched my teeth in embarrassment.

"I want to be alone, please." He didn't move at first, but once I'd pretended to try to sleep- he retreated out of the room.

As soon as I heard the door shut I sat up and in turn, met Marcus' deceptive gaze. "Going somewhere?"

"I need to use the restroom." I lied.

"You'd better not be plotting something. Dinner is in three hours and you're required to attend." With his threat, he left my room.

I waited for a moment to see if anyone would return to take his place. When they didn't- I proceeded to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

There, I began to wash my face. Mascara clung to my cheeks where my tears had dragged it. My eyes were swollen and there was a bruise, along with a whelp at the corner of my forehead. The result of Trevor's knockout blow back at Claire's.

I checked the bite on my arm. It was purple and bruised, but there was no more crusting of blood. Marcus or Trevor must had cleaned it when I passed out from blood loss.

In image flashed in my mind, about the possibility of Trevor licking it clean. My stomach turned, disgusted by the idea of his tongue on me while I was unconscious.

I couldn't stay here. If I wasn't going crazy, and they actually were supernatural creatures, I needed to escape even more so than if they were just a family of psychotic killers.

I met my grey eyes in the mirror, encouraging myself that I would get myself out of here.

A knock sounded at the bathroom door and I jumped.

"I brought you something to wear to dinner tonight. Are you decent?" It was Marcus.

I didn't want to open the door, but I figured not answering and leaving it locked would only provoke him to break it down.

Marcus held a box in his arms. He handed it over to me and smiled. "Make sure to shower. You reek of my brother." Venom was laced in his words but he didn't appear to be a threat. He was calm.

After he'd disappeared from my room again, I locked myself in the bathroom one more.

The contents inside the box were a black dress and some black pumps, undergarments, and a note. It read:

Dear Priscilla,

If you are reading this, my brother has successfully brought us together. I know this all must be confusing for you, but I will explain everything to you in time. It might be impossible to ask, but I need you to trust me. I will not betray you.

Yours truly,

Marcus xx

I stared at the card in disgust. Trust him? Was he insane?

I pushed my blonde hair back behind my shoulders and examined my neck in the mirror. Red and light purple markings covered the tender skin along my throat- fingerprints. Trust.. I chuckled to myself.

"Trust me when I say I'm escaping tonight." I whispered to myself in the mirror.

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