Chapter 19

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Hannah's POV:

We were currently in the limo heading to the restaurant.

**slipping the rest of the limo ride***

Once we got there, Nate opened my door and helped me out.

I grabbed my crutches and we walked into the restaurant.

"Do you have a reservation,"the lady asked.

"Yes. Nate, table for two,"Nate replied.

"Right this way,"the lady said grabbing two menus.

She sat us down at a booth and asked us what we wanted to drink.

"Water,"Nate and I said at the same time.

The hostess laughed and said,"Coming right up."

"Thank you for agreeing to come with me,"Nate said.

"Why would I disagree,"I said jokingly.

"Because you're way to good for me,"he said.

"Pshh more like the other way around,"I replied.

The hostess then brought our drinks and we thanked her.

Then the waitress came and took our order.

"I'll have the Teriyaki Drizzled Grilled Chicken With Scalloped Potatoes,"I said.

"I'll have the Seafood Alfredo,"Nate said.

Then we just talked some more until the waitress brought our food.

We finished eating and Nate and I fought on who was going to pay, but eventually he won.

He led me to the limo and the driver took me home.

Once I got home, Nate walked me to my door and said,"I had so much fun, we should do it again sometime,"he said.

"I had fun too! And totally we should,"I replied.

"Bye,"he said.

"Bye,"I said.

I walked into my house and saw Nash and Hayes.

"What are you guys doing here?"I asked.

"Well since your dad is on a business trip, and Lauren went to a friends house, Lauren asked me to watch you,"Nash said.

"Really? I'm 14 I can handle myself,"I said annoyed.

"Oh come on Hannah you love me,"Nash said.

"Well I can't argue with that,"I replied.

Nash then got up and went to the bathroom, leaving me and Hayes.....

"Hey Hannah,"Hayes said.

"Um hi hayes,"I said back to him.

"You don't need to act like I'm a stranger,"Hayes said.

"Sorry,"I said.

"No need to be sorry,"he said.

I just took a seat on the chair and Hayes started watching tv.

I went up to my room and decided to clean it a little bit.

I heard someone enter my room, and it was Nash.

"Hey Hannah listen, Hayes really likes you. I know you like Nate and all, but can you please give him a chance? For me?,"Nash said.

"I don't know. He always messes stuff up,"I reply.

Hayes POV:

"I don't know. He always messes stuff up,"I hear Hannah say.

I burst into her room and say,"WELL IM SORRY HANNAH! I DO CRAZY SHIT WHEN IM IN LOVE."

"Hayes I'm sorry,"she said coming up to me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I hugged her back. Man I really love this girl. (AN: OMG GOALS)

She let go and a tear slipped down her cheek.

I wiped it away and said,"Don't cry babe."

She just hugged me again and Nash walked out.

"Hannah we need to talk,"I said.

"Um okay,"She replied.

"I know you probably like Nate and all, but I just wanted to say I love you. I've never liked anyone the way I love you. You're so gorgeous and you light up a room whenever you walk in. Hannah you're just perfect,"I said.

"I love you too Hayes,"she said.

Then I kissed her.

We kissed for a while and then she pulled away.

"Hannah,"I said.

"What Hayes,"she replied.

"Would you like to uh be my girlfriend?"I asked.

"Hayes I would love too,"she said.

"We should watch a movie,"I suggested.

"Can we watch "If I Stay","she asked.

"Sure," I replied.

She put it in the DVD player and we cuddled together on her bed.

Then she got a text.

She looked at it and them looked away and a tear slipped down her face.

"Babe what's wrong,"I asked.

"Nothing,"she said.

Uh I hate when people do that just tell me.

"No seriously what,"I asked.

She showed me and she got a text from Kylie.

Kylie😒: stay away from hayes. He doesn't even like you, you're an ugly slut

"Hannah that's not true I honestly love you so much,"I said cuddling into her more.

"I love you so much hayes,"she replied.

Man I love Hannah so much.

We then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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