《Book 1》
A school where all countries could be one.
A school that teach you peace and prosperity.
A school that gave them the illusion of a normal life.
Philipia; a female leader attending a male dominated academy, was sent by Martial, to befriend t...
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Philipia:: why does everyone keep questioning my sexuality >\\<
[ Tell me about it, I get tired of it sometimes philipia, I know how you feel ]
Philipia:: I've seen Hawaii but, I don't think he's a girl... Because I've seen him once with Mexico at the meetings of the world.
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Philipia:: Attract? I'm sure they just see me as a friend, don't worry reader.
Philipia:: And you're beautiful no matter what reader, I'm sure there's someone who likes you. Or maybe, don't rush it, don't rush..
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Philipia:: oh! Thank you so much! It's one of my favorites! *Accepts leche flan* I'll make sure to enjoyed it with my family.
Philipia:: you're so generous and kind reader ^^
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Philipia:: yes, I've seen and met them now. Don't worry ^^
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Philipia:: I really can't remember when I've begun to like male anatomy, but I do remember mama spying papa while he was training.
Perla:: ah! S-sshhhh!!! ><
Kati:: whatttt.....????
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Philipia:: I'm sorry, but everyone is nice for me ^^
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Philipia:: I really can't answer about my brothers reaction, but if it's me. I would be very happy~
Philipia:: but I do hope that, they're dead because I know they can't bear the thought of us fighting each other, especially between my brothers and what I have become...
Philipia:: I wouldn't want to disappoint them. But! Hehehe~ we can't do anything about the past. But author, I think this is the last question now, does it mean my turn is done?
[ Huh? Oh yeah, you're done. Thank you very much philipia ]
Philipia:: You're very welcome author.
[ You can now take a seat with your family ]
[ Okeh, the next person we'll ask is. Mama Perla ]