《Book 1》
A school where all countries could be one.
A school that teach you peace and prosperity.
A school that gave them the illusion of a normal life.
Philipia; a female leader attending a male dominated academy, was sent by Martial, to befriend t...
Scotland:: aye. I shimmer and glitter them boots darli'n
[ aye, yer sure are ready mi'lad ]
Ireland:: What are you guys doing?
Scotland:: She started it.
[ And you immediately joined in ha! ]
Ireland:: Just get it on already. I'm getting impatient.
[ alright, alright. Geez ]
[ you ready Scotland? ]
Scotland:: not much, as expected, but yeah. I'm ready.
[ first question for you ]
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Scotland:: *scotland.exe has stopped working*
Tethys:: First blooood
Ireland:: That's painful.
Vietnam:: Poor Scotland, he never had a chance, he isn't mentioned much too.
[ urk! *spits juice* *cough* ]
Scotland:: *cracks*
Tethys:: Double kill
Arabia:: I actually don't mind if it's me. But imagine if it's Scotland, he must be so heartbroken. I mean, he was the first character mentioned to be in line.
Vietnam:: Yeah.
Ireland:: Poor man indeed.
Scotland:: *shatters*
[ *wipes mouth* ... ]
Tethys:: Triple kill.
[ e-enough! Scotland! Snap out of it! I have plans remember?! Come on buddy! Have trust in me! ]
Scotland:: *crumbles to dust*