Answers Please 2.0 ( Ireland )

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[ Heya~ you didn't get any ads? Hopefully not cause it's damn annoying af ]

[ Anyways, welcome to Ireland's chapter! ]

Ireland:: Hello, very nice to be here~

[ You sure feel happy, anyways! Let's start? ]

Ireland:: of course. I'm eager to see my questions, hopefully they'll be more interesting than Scotland's.

Scotland:: What?

[ First question for you Ireland ]

Ireland:: No? Why would I? Sexual alters are also protectors of the mental stability and body of the host

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Ireland:: No? Why would I? Sexual alters are also protectors of the mental stability and body of the host. So I don't or would not even dare to frick her.

Tethys:: You mean fuck?

Ireland:: This is a G-rated chapter tethys!

Tethys:: no such thing as G-rated in her books!

[ *Iz shock* hey! Don't include me! ]

Scotland:: Sexual alter aye? They are very good at handling trauma. So it's better to leave it be and let it do her job.

Vietnam:: Poor lotus.

Scotland:: Yeah...

Arabia:: I wasn't there so... But I can't imagine what she went through.

Ireland:: Let bygones be bygones.

[ The insect repellent? ]

Ireland:: You're stupid, you know that author?

[ You just said I'm stupid, so how would I know I'm stupid when I'm stupid? ]

Ireland:: Nevermind. Just get to the next question. Please.

[ Awww, he said pleaseeee, how cute~ ^^ ]

[ Awww, he said pleaseeee, how cute~ ^^ ]

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