《 chpt three 》

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"Okay, best of thirteen."

We decided that whoever wins this game of rock, paper, scissors gets the couch. He keeps stretching the game out, though I keep winning every time.

"No, I won. Make me dinner." I collapsed onto the carpet.

"One more game to settle scores." He demanded, grinning as I sat back up in a readied position.

"Okay, but I'll wreck ya'."

He managed to beat me, though, a rock to my fifth scissors in a row.

"Oh, fuck. Best of three again?" I challenged.

"Eh, nah. I win, I get the couch, get in my bed."

"Gay." I rolled across the floor and into the kitchen. "I'm not getting in a bed with a dude, bro."

"So sorry, man." He walked over, towering over my beaten form. "I'll order something from Mickey Dee's, so shut up about dinner."

"Okay, then do it, pussy."

"Its lunchtime. Make a sandwich." He lightly kicked me in the back.

"That's not very cash money of you." I rolled over again, making eye contact with the male. I noticed his brown roots from his blonde hair, and realised why his hair was so uncooperative.

"Oh, also, I need a drink."

"There's juice in the fridge." He replied, still towering over my frail form.

"Get some for me, wife."

"You're damn right, I'm wife material." This clearly persuaded him to grab me some juice, and i sat up to watch him walk away.

"Not if you don't bake."

"What does that even mean?"

"Bake me something, wife." I knew he wouldn't understand the superior meme.

"We aren't married." He pulled a glass out from a cabinet and poured the juice.

"I can tell by the amount you don't bake."

"Shut up, eat your juice."

I stood to consume the jooce, breathing between swallows like a toddler would. He seemed uncomfortable beneath my mighty gaze.

His eyes were a blue teal, and I convinced myself that this was, in fact, a staring contest.

That's why I kept staring at him.

"Blink, motherfucker." I commanded.

"I have fucked zero mothers." He replied, suddenly realising my intentions. "And no, you blink."

"You won't, you're scared." I placed my jooce down, very carefully, without breaking eye contact.

"Terrified, ma'am."

We fell into a very tense silence, and I saw his eyes water.

"Mom gay."

He whined, blinking as I cheered and hit him in the arm. "I win, couch mine, get got!"

"I let you win..." He whispered, earning my first laugh of the day.

"That means you want the bed, tea."

"No, it means I take mercy on such a pitiful creacher." Kryoz moved aside and fell onto the couch. "Mine."

"Wrong." With the force of a thousand men, I shoved him off and onto the floor. I heard an 'oof' before I snuggled into the cushions.

"Violence is never the answer," His contradicting speech was accented by having a pillow slammed into my body, "unless its toward a woman."

"I despise everything you just said." I smartly grabbed another and hit him in the side, but to no avail as he bonked me on the head.

"Get absolutely punked."

"No, you." I braced myself before tackling him onto the floor once more, making sure he didn't split his skull open on the floor before I covered his face with the pillow. "Tap until you die, hoe."

He squirmed, flained his arms and let out muffled screams. Then, he stopped, and I slowly removed the cushion.

"H-hey...?" My knees were placed on either side of his body, and I poked his cheek. "I didn't press that hard, you're fine..."

He didn't move, but the rise and fall of his chest proved otherwise, so I wasn't completely worried.

"You can stop now." I booped his nose and stidued his face. I noticed the beauty mark above the corner of his lip, and shrugged. "Guess I'll die."

I lifted one knee, using it to bring myself up as I placed all of my body weight in his stomach. "Ah, fuck." He winced, as I got up and towered over him.

"Get cucked."

"You're not using that word correctly." The unnatural blond peered up from beneath me and I decided to head upstairs.

"We missed lunch. Can you get McDonalds now?" I called from the stairwell. I heard his footsteps grow louder as he moved closer.

"You know what? Sure."

"Get me a happy meal! Oh, and an oreo McFlurry!"


I crept into his room and found my luggang case on the matress. Deciding to shower, I pulled out my long, fluffy pants and a regular shirt as well as some undergarments. They were the more comfortable things I owned.

"Y'all got any towels?" I yelled, sprinting down the stairs. He pulled the phone away from his face.

"Wait a sec."

"Ugh. Oh, heck." My phone crossed my mind, and I whipped it out to see three missed calls and a bunch of messages from my brother.

I messaged back, 'got done establishing my dominance, gotta steal all his money now bro'

Once I heard Kryoz hang up, I bound over. "Towels? I wanna shower."

"Over here." He lead me through a corridor to a linen closet, where there were a new neatly-folded towels. He pulled a white one down and pointed down the hall further. "The shower is down there. Go nuts, but don't use my shampoo or conditioner."

"Okay, I will."

You know, I'm starting to get a little tired.

i want to kry-oz (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now