45: I should crush

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Ella 45

Eli would want him dead.

So, I charge at him. Along with him, he has brought half a dozen guards, but I don't care. They stare at us, knives in their hands. I'm smarter than them though, much smarter. So, I grab Leo in between the crowd and drag her off. Her disappearances draw enough attention that the other Gladers follow after her.

I lead the group of us, the more than a dozen of us, behind one of the shelves. There, I put a hand to my lips, and mime pushing it.

The others seem to understand.

After flashing three fingers, then two, then one, we push down the wall. It comes down like a series of Dominos, a chorus of screams erupting from the Immunes. There isn't enough time for the Rat man to move out of the way, and him at the guards are crushed under a massive shelf. I can hear their groans.

Unfortunately, they live. Yet, they are trapped, and cannot stop us.

Minho wipes hair off his head. "That was surprisingly easy."

I shrug.

We stay at the back of the pack now that the Flat Trans is up. People push their way into the front of the crowd as the ceiling falls down around us.

Leo dips away from us down an aisle. If it's her choice to die, that's fine with me. At the end of the hallway, I watch her pick up a crying little boy and carry him back over to the rest of us. She balances him carefully on her hip as we head into the room.

"You probably saved a lot of people's lives," she tells me. The boy she is holding is gargling. He can't be older than two. "Including this little fellow."

I shrug, not caring if she is right.

The ceiling crumbling around us, explosions going off in the distance, we make our way to the Flat Trans. Waiting for us on this side is Thomas, Teresa, and some other chick who I barely even recognize.

Finally, we are all together. There, we collide with the icy surface of the Flat Trans. It freezes my skin, which is finally welcome after living in the heat for far too long.

We disappear.

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