Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

Usually, waking up sucks. 

But, there was no after-party, and I had a hang-over. Dan didn't ever text. At least, it was the weekend. And I had two days off. . .

Right, being the pessimistic me, there were too many horrible things that happened took over the good things. Even so, weekends sucked. When you're a child, it's all fun because you don't have school. But when you're an adult who has barely any friends and can barely pay the bills, it's not as great as you remember it to be. I might have had about two friends, but they were nothing special.

I sit up in the bed, yawning. I scratch my hair. I get out and take a long needed shower and brushed my hair, blah blah blah, morning things. I then go on my phone to see if anything happened. Nope. Nothing. Not even a text.

I sigh, looking out the small kitchen window. It was rainy, as always. But maybe, since my day was completely free, I could take a walk.

I was a person that liked being by myself. Sure, I'd love to talk to friends, but I enjoyed my thoughts. I liked talking to myself and having time to myself. It was the best feeling in the world, to me. Yeah, I'd suppose I could take a walk with coffee and music.

I put on skinny jeans and a long-sleeved shirt before a parka and grabbed my things and went. Outside was cold and nippy, but it felt nice and relaxing.

I look around the pavement. Yes, it was very familiar, but I liked looking to see things I either haven't noticed before, or things that have changed. A lot of things change in London. There's so many people, you're lucky if you meet at least three. 

I muse at the Starbucks. . . was this typical white girl behaviour? It could be, yeah, but coffee was good, and it woke me up. I walk in, ordering some random, complicated name off the menu and wait. I would just grab it and go.

Meanwhile, I check Instagram and Twitter. I look at Dan's profile again. . . he Tweeted a new Tweet.

guys, help, how do you ask a girl out...? 

Hm, that was cool for him. Sometimes, love just doesn't seem like the thing for me. Maybe, if I'd met the right person, but other than that? Marriage was simply divorce. I've only had two boyfriends in my life, because it seemed that every other boy wasn't interesting or nice. They never met my standards.  They were all. . . the same. 

Should I Tweet Dan back? Yeah, why not? I'm not that antisocial. In fact, I quite liked conversation.

@danisnotonfire Sing to her. If she likes it, you're in. If she doesn't. . . she'll find you cute. 

Why not give a little friendly help, right?

"Eleanor?" I hear my name being called. I nod, getting my coffee and walking back out. My phone suddenly buzzes. Oh, god! It's a text from Dan! Finally.

um so are you doing anything today? It says. I smile. This was actually adorable-- texting. I mean, sure, friends, yay.

Self-loathing. Want to join or something? Was that funny? I hope that was funny. . . at least I was honest, yeah?

would you like to meet in green park? Ha, now it was just getting funny. Was this a date, or something? That would be weird, considering we've known each other for only one day. Do people actually do that? Because, that would be quite weird. Sure, it'd be cute, but a bit odd. A bit stalker-like. 

Dan, I'm very sorry, but how long have we known each other? xx I'm just joking, what time? 

Ugh, I hated having to be nice. Should I just tell him it was weird?

is 2 fine? haha 

So! He was being serious?

Sure! Till Later! 

I smile. That was cool. I had a date. Or a going-to-the-park-adventure with possible-future-friend. I'd take both, though. Considering I had no friends, and all. . . 

Right-- I shouldn't lie. I had one friend. Olivia Greene, but she was much more. . . social and almost annoying. Too social. She always liked to flirt and chat and all that extroverted behaviour. 

I shake my head, looking at the time on the phone. 12. I had two hours to spare. I go back to my flat (with a cab) and rest on the sofa. 

 I didn't have anything to do. I'm bored. Was I actually looking forward to the date?


sorry this was a bit shit but fuck it i was too bored and i didnt know what to write and i needed the texts and shit so yeah


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