Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

I stare at my hands as the movie was coming to an end. It was a great movie, sure, a little bland, but it was my childhood. What wonderful memories. I look back up at the credits, yawning. "What now?" I ask. I had too much impatience, and I got bored very fast. It was normal for me to ask that.

"Erm, I'm not sure. Thanks for coming, though," he says, sitting back up from his laying-down position. I smile, getting up and stretching.

"Yeah, no problem," I reply, taking out my phone to check the time. It was 6pm, meaning I had about four hours to get ready for work tomorrow. "I should go now. This was great fun."

"Yeah, erm, yeah. So." He tries to say, but just ends up being more awkward. I turn to leave, heading for the door until I hear him speak again. "Uh, bye?"

I turn back halfway and blow him a kiss. "Bye!"


The next week, I worked.  Now, as much as anybody would hate their job, and as I do sometimes, too, I quite liked it. I got to interview famous people for money. Who wouldn't want that? Of course, I also had to write about them at this odd magazine thing, even if I didn't like them, so that was a downer, but it still worked.

On Friday, when I come in, I see my boss running over to me with her heels, tripping and leaning clumsily towards me. I held my bag and stood in place, looking from side to side casually. She finally reaches me.

"Hi, Ms. Misa," I greet, smiling. She rolls her eyes and grunts.

"Who's the newest, hottest celebrity you can think of right now?"

I took a moment, trying to think. Katy Perry? Nicki Minaj? I shrug, "Barack Obama."

Oh, Eleanor, you stupid fuck. Of course Obama, of course. He's a celebrity, and most talked about. Do I even have thoughts? What is my brain?

"Erm," starts Ms. Misa, "no. I was thinking more YouTube-ish," she winks. I raise an eyebrow. I just interviewed Dan and Phil. Was YouTube what people- or rather, small teenage girls were into these days?

"Who is it?" I ask, now unsure to whoever she wanted me to see, again. There could only be so many. Right?

Ms. Misa looks me up and down for a second and breathes in. "Well, there's a line of beauty-slash-fashion by Zoe Sugg. Our magazine was chosen to interview her, so you get to go to her party. You can bring a guest."

"Really?" I liked the idea of interviewing a girl that wasn't fourteen years old and a music star that really couldn't sing. Our magazine, The Chandelier, was basically crap. We had guests who only the girls liked. Got to please the fans. Plus, going to a party sounded great. I didn't mind for a bit of chatter and mingling.

"Yes, I'll text you the info," she says. I smile and nod, turning around on my heel and heading back to my office where I had to write a nine-hundred worded paper on some random teenager who was more successful than I was. Eh, but I was going to a party. 


Yo though!! I got into a party...,, bro. I text Dan in a weird way. He was the only one who I really wanted to text right now. He probably knew Zoe, right?

ooh, which one? He texts back almost immediately. I smile. Was he just waiting by his phone, or something? I assumed he always had it on because he was sort of YouTube-famous or something.

Zoe Sugg, I think? Know her? I ask, thinking. I mean, they were both YouTubers. They had to have heard a mention of name, or be at least familiar. Maybe beauty-things weren't his branch, but he could still be friends with her. Right?

yeah! i think we're going to the same party! awesome, elle! do you need a ride? He says. Well, he was my friend now and I think he was offering something kind, so I texted back yes. The party started at eight PM and Zoe knew I would interview her, so at nine I had to make contact somehow with her to write my article. It was going to be great, I suppose. 

Maybe there was food there. Maybe Zoe was nice. 

Wasn't she going to invite her other problematic YouTube friends, though? That was going to be a problem. I didn't really like talking to people who were racist or sexist or transphobic or homophobic. I was a person that like to share my opinion, and not an opinion that someone doesn't deserve to live or something just because of their preferences.

The party was not until tomorrow, so I had time to fix question to ask and do a little research. Yes, working at home sucked, but it could be fine. I could just sleep and get ready the next day.


yikes it's been a month and this chapter sucked I KNOW eesh

r u still reading this though? i hope so... i sort of hate this story but  i'll go with it idk


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