Love At First Sight?!

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"Mom I'll be fine stop worrying"
"Hera this is a new school so just don't be nervous and try to make some friends and don't ever get in trouble"
"Mom it's a new school I mean It's only normal to be nervous and when have I ever gotten into trouble don't worry I'll be fine!"
"My little girl is growing up so fa... Fast"
I saw my mom shaking and her eyes filling with tears I hugged her and left before her tears would flood the house, I'm 17 I'm not a newborn goddess, although I was afraid, I've heard many odd rumours. I was wearing a floral white dress reaching to my ankles and a white pear necklace with matching earrings and a lace headband. I wasn't very beautiful I had black hair and plain features, the only thing I adored about myself were my bright green eyes that stood out from my pale face. Today I wore a bit of lipstick and some mascara, I also curled my hair and put it into a bun which seemed to compliment my face. I walked slowly to my new school as I walked I saw a girl with a blonde bob cut, a blue dress and a genuine smile.
"Hi I'm Pheme, and you must be..."
"Hera it's nice to meet you, I'm new here"
"Oh is that so, Well then I'll be showing you around"
We approached the school and I saw three handsome gods talking and a mob of girls surrounding them Pheme must've seen me
"Oh sweetie, you're looking at the wrong crowd those are the bad gods, the handsome heartbreakers are their names"
"Who are they?"
"The one on the right is Hercules, the one on the left is Poseidon and the one in the middle..."
The one that I've been staring at
"Is Zeus" said Pheme
We walked right by them and I quickly glanced at Zeus and he looked right back I couldn't help it, I really couldn't I stopped right there just staring and he gets up pushing through the crowd and walked right past me to Pheme. He eyed me while whispering to Pheme and she giggled while blushing, for a second I hated her. Was that jealousy?
"Staring at me won't get you anywhere." Said Zeus
Realizing that all eyes were on me I pushed past Pheme storming off with my face pink.
"What's happening to me" I said a little too loud
"Jealousy? Gosh new girl, one day here and you've already fell for me, how pleasant" he replied
Everyone laughed as I ran inside the school with tears in my eyes, there were still a few minutes before class so I ran into the bathroom and realized that I was still blushing red there was seriously something wrong with me. The bell rang and I ran to my class and sat down I looked to one side and saw Hercules all over Athena and Poseidon behind me.
"Hey I'm sorry for Zeus he's a little harsh" said Poseidon
I smiled at him and noted his kindness.
"Thank you, and you're Poseidon right?"
"Yes and Pheme told me your name was Hera, that's a very nice name"
"Thank you"
The teacher walked in and I turned around and looked to my right and saw Pheme mouthing an "I'm sorry" Then looked to my left and saw Zeus just staring at me smirking😑

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