Hera's house

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I knocked on the door at 12:00am knowing that Hera's mother would let me stay. She opened the door and said "Hello Zues; what brings you here?" Before I could answer Hera came downstairs
"Ma who is it?"
Hera's mother was about to say my name but I gave her a weary look
"It's nobody sweetie go back to bed"
And with that Hera left for bed. As I watched her leave I saw her hair messed around covering her face and her long pyjama gown. I laughed to myself and,damn she was cute!Hera's mother looked down and saw the luggage
"Darling are you ok?"
"No, and I was hoping that you could help me"
"Do you need to stay here for the night?"
"Yes and it's because-"
"No reason to explain you must be tired go have some rest"
She saw my mothers picture and frowned.
"Would you like something to drink?"
She must've of been trying to comfort me
"No thank you, what room can I sleep in?"
"Hera's room, just move her to the floor she sleeps like a hibernating bear"
I laughed and went upstairs I picked Hera up and put her on the ground I layer in her bed thinking of my mother. I finally had time for mourning, I later there with tears going down my face I, all I could think of was how much she much she must've of gone through to think of dying as her only option. Sometimes I thought of dying as the only option but Hera seemed to distract me from that. I opened her cupboards when I decided I couldn't sleep and found a little journal from when she was younger
"Dear diary mommy said bye to daddy he has to go to a mission"
How old was she when she wrote this?
I flipped to the next page
"Dear diary it's been a year and daddy isn't coming back"
The last one seemed like she wrote this when she was older
"Dear diary father is dead"
The rest of the pages were empty
I never thought someone like her would go through something like this
A few minutes passed and Hera's mother walked in knocking on the door
"Darling would you like a cookie?"
She whispered while stepping over Hera
I declined and of course she wouldn't take no for an answer so I sat with Hera's mother eating a cookie and talking about her father
"Hera's father was a wonderful man who died a hero, and that is why I kept going on with living."
There was a silence that seemed like it lasted hours before she tucked me into bed as if I were her own and left. the rest of the night, I dreamed of a beautiful women holding me in her arms
"Zeus, how is my little boy doing"
I saw my father standing above me, putting his arm around that women
"Zeus looks like he will be very handsome, after all, he took after me"
"What are you saying darling?" She laughed "he has all my features"
They both laughed and the women hugged me
"After all, he's my little baby" she said happily
Suddenly everything around me started to change and I was in a different setting, standing a bit taller
"Zeus, I'm not, I'm not"
"You beast!"
I woke up suddenly with water on my face a Hera frowning at me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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