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Dear Diary,

My hood stays up on my head, making sure that my ears stay flat and my tail is tucked safely away under my skirt. I hold my books close to my chest as I start down the halls of St Winston High.

My breathing remains heavy but quiet as I calmly step gracefully despite my nerves.

Just like any other day at this school everyone stares at me for one of two reasons: lust or disgust.
Apparently in this century, high schools are still split the same way, girls yearning for my slim yet curvy body that steals their man's gaze, or boys who get one look at my clothes and would prefer me out of them...and claim the Sweet of the year.

"What's a Sweet?" I hear you ask?
Well before I explain there's something you all need to know. The school is a mix of two different races, and not the skin colour. Each race has their own sent.

The first and the lowest are the humans. They have no abilities as they are unable to tap into their dormant DNA. This also means that they're unable to see the others attributes but... there's an exception to the rule. Mates.

The second are the dogs and they're the highest. As you could guess they have dog ears and tails on a human body. They're faster and stronger then humans and just all round "better".

(Due to their unseen accessories most the time, they make up for it by seeming more appealing to the lower classes and they act more controlling.)

St Winston High has always been a mix of the two in.. twisted harmony, you could say.
All the jocks and cheerleaders are the dogs and the humans are their mindless, naive followers..

...Please excuse how bitter and rotten that last part sounded, it's the world I was brought up in and I hate how the dogs have run it so far...

Ahem. Now back to the "Sweet's", how I utterly loathe that word. The Sweet's are the human girls of the youngest year in
Still don't get it?
Sweet's are the pure virgins, they're human nature making them natural born submissive's in the presence of dogs, ready for the picking.

Every year the oldest male dogs in the last year participates and has their fun before they leave and are soon mated.
There's that word again, mate. The only ones not participating are the ones already claimed. Mates are dogs soulmates, their other half. The only difference is that their connection runs deeper.

Anyway, the game is simple:
Get the most Sweet's

The rules are as followed:
No one touches a Sweet until halfway through the year.
No mates may participate.
Only one Sweet a day can be claimed.
Only when your scent is on them can they be counted.
Once they're claimed, no one can touch them til the end of the year.
The winner is the one with the most.
Find your mate during your game then all your Sweets are disqualified from the game completely.

The winner gets the best prize and keeps going down til last place. However there's one downside to this game... if you complete it, you will never find your mate.
Yet the upside makes it sooo much better. For them anyway

It decides their school grade.

All that matters to the males is this game, making it more of a test then anything else.

Now there's a few more things I should make clear... what's with my strange language choices in some parts?
"More controlling".

See the thing is...

We live in a BDSM world where the Masters rule the world.

However, my presence is enough to rock their world up until it shatters into a million pieces.

Impossible GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora