Chapter 1 - Official story

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My alarm rings out in the morning causing me to wake up in the morning with a yawn, sitting up before lean forward to stretch my arms and back out. I stay like that until it starts to ache a little before uncrossing my legs and then flops onto my front with a groan. Don't get me wrong, a nice stretch feels wonderful after waking up but I'm not a morning person. Especially at half four in the morning on a Monday.

I get up with a small pout on my face and throws the curtains open wide to allow what's left of the moonlight into my dark space. Opening up a window I lean my head out with my hands out on the window sill, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. So relaxing. My eyes drift up to the crescent moon and I watch how it shines brightly with the stars through the thin layer of clouds trying to hide it, allowing it to calm my mind and let my thoughts run free.

People may like the sun but the moon is better. Yes the sun supplies us with necessary vitamins and the sun is bright and colourful, keeping us all warm when we step into its loving beams on a windless day. Now here lies the problem. The sun in all its glory, shines too much. In doing so it hides the stars that are out there all the time and with all its light it makes it so the moon glows too. Yet the sun can do us damage too. We can get sun burn, have sun stroke and can even lead to skin cancers if we spend too much time in it.

Now yes, without the sunlight we wouldn't have moonlight but the moon reflects enough for the stars to have their few hours of glory too out there in the sky. They give us their beauty as they sparkle and burn out there in space and yet we sleep through their beauty. We even have the chance of missing them. The stars will eventually burn out one day and that will be it. With all that they do for us and the moons job of controlling and affecting the tides, we just go to bed when they give us their glory instead of embracing their cold loving arms to be ready to enjoy another day in the burning sun which can trap and ensnare us.

I understand that everyone has their preferences and this is mine and the dark that envelopes us is quite literally my heaven. It hides the cruelty in the world nowadays to conceal the horrors happening every day. It even hides my secret but that's for another time. I think I've spent enough time with my thoughts for one morning. Besides, sunrise is upon us. Out there in the distance is the familiar orange glow of the rising sun indicating it's time for me to finally get changed.

I get out my outfit for the day, laying it out on my bed. A skirt reaching half way down my thighs in a crimson red with black knee high socks and my top being also black and a button up, a plastic white headband with hollow cat ears on and another white accessory; a choker that's basically a belt for the neck. We don't have a uniform requirement at school but I prefer a more professional look when it comes to my studies. Hmm.. but what to do about.. aha! I quickly look through my draws for a specific item and I pull out my favourite white silk ribbon. Beautiful but it does the job I need.

I get out of my pyjamas and walk over to my mirror with the silk and top in hand. I slip my top on but just leaves it open for now as I wrap the fabric around my torso underneath my shirt before tying it into a small bow just above my belly button with the two ends resting either side of it. Once I let go I watch as it falls and it gets caught on my ass, the front half falling down a little farther. Perfect. I lift it back up and my tail then wraps my tail around the material a few times. Every loop around makes it feel tighter on my body until when I relax my tail the ribbon stays in place, keeping my fluffy accessory up and out the way in the process. Now doing my buttons up, I look at myself in the mirror.

The collar is still half up on my shirt, giving me the messy kind of look, and the first two buttons I've left undone. I can't help it if when I sit down I don't wanna feel like I'm being choked by my top. Going further down I trill at the sight. Where my tail is on the fluffy side compared to some and gone along around my waist, it gives the appearance that I'm on the more chubbier side of the size spectrum.

I won't say that I'm thin either, I don't wanna be one of those twigs that's only achievable by fasting, but it's not flat either. I'm happy with it. Besides, a little fat helps with the breast size too, or so I've heard. But I've never really had a need to care about my looks yet and I ain't gonna start now and with the way my tail hold my shirt out, I have no need for a bra. God those things are just made to be uncomfortable, I swear it, and it makes it harder to breathe when running but that's just me I think.

I finish getting myself dressed and look at my whole appearance. Cat ears on clearly pointing up an hiding my own ears down beneath it. My hair short and today I just can't be bothered to brush it making it seem too be a big mess on my head but the kind that looks like a style in itself. My shirt still keeping the messy look, along with the choker looking pretty bad ass. My skirt is on but not straight, causing some of my top to remain untucked. My socks on with one up just above my knee and the other is now folded so it's halfway down my shin with my shoes being some white flats.

Now, notice the theme yet? Excluding the choker, which follows a different rule, it goes like this: white, black, red, black, white. Headwear, top, skirt, socks, shoes. With the choker that is classed as an accessory. That means it will represent what mood I'm in depending on the colour and what it is. Only one person other than me worked this out but well.. they met an unfortunate fate.

Oh who am I kidding, it was nothing bad. They found their partner during the school break ending today and now they're taken out of the fun. See we had big plans this year to break our new school after hearing all the rumours about it but after she found her soul mate she's on a tight leash to not disobey her master. Yet even she didn't know my deformity.

See, having animal features isn't unusual. In fact, it's fairly common in the world. The problem is.. they only have dog ones. They were the only ones that evolved into the human DNA somewhere down the line. No one knows exactly how or when they joined the race as equals or even when they first appeared but it's fair to assume that they're number one on the hierarchy. They don't have royal blood but they rule behind the scenes.

Or rather, they rule unofficially. They are never spoken about in that way, it's just been accepted into the society today. See their history is rather dark and they are anything but pure in all meanings of that phrase.

Anyway, that's enough thinking for now. The sun is now halfway up and with the light it brings starting to appear in my room I close my curtain again along with my windows. I get myself ready for school, picking my bag up and swings it over my shoulder before leaving for the hell sunlight brings and the bitches that come with it, bring it Riverboard!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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