Don't waste your time on me, Marty

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"Here." As always.


"Here..." Of course.


"Present." I cringed at the sound of my own voice. I put my head back down, listening to a few other names.


"Here!" She's loud.

"Marty?" As if.

"Hello!" I jumped at Marty's voice, he sounded out of breath. He actually made it to first block before roll call? That's new for him, he has never done that in the entire time I've known him and yet there he was, sitting behind me, a tired smile on his face. "Hey Adam, got time to come over tonight?"

Marty asking me to come over last minute was nothing new. We had been best friends since the beginning of time, even before I knew who he was, I could never say no to him. I've never met a person who could resist his dark hair and freckles. You could see the excitement in his warm brown eyes as he stared, anticipating a "yes" answer. His pale, freezing hand grabbed mine and my shiver alone was enough for him to lose his grip.

"Yes Marty of course I can over." I whispered. His face lit up, perfect white teeth smiled at me. I've never met a person, man or woman, that could resist Marty's smile. Even when he had braces, people still thought he was adorable. I remember his braces, I thought that he looked amazing too. That's why I gave him the nickname 'train tracks'. Memories of those days bring me happiness, he's practically a drug. If he were gone for more than a day everything would surely become too much. I don't think about the days where he is gone just the moments we have. Every secret we keep, every touch he gives is heaven to me.


Normally hanging out with Marty was a lot of venting and Mario Kart, today wasn't much different. I say 'wasn't much' because this time Marty was drinking.

"Hey Marty, what if your parents come home?" I ask, I hope it makes him stop but he just takes another swig and smiles at me.

"They're out of town this week so you can come over everyday now!" I don't like it when he drinks, he blacks out and I think he tells me a lot of things I know he would regret. 

"Yeah but what if they come back early?" He shook his head, tossing the empty bottle to the side. "Can we at least eat so you don't get so wasted Marty?"

"Yeah sure what are you feeling?" He cleared his throat and pulled out his phone. Okay so, that means he ate already. If Marty isn't at least a little drunk off one beer it's a really good sign. But now I asked to eat, which means I pick which means I could completely fuck this up. Marty, I think, caught wind of my anxiety and put his hand on top of my head.

"Hey buddy if you aren't feeling up to picking I can bring you out to eat somewhere so you don't have to worry." He was so sweet to me. God, why can't I be satisfied with just one, really good friend? Why? I cuddled into him, whimpering a bit. Judging by his face and the way he picked me up, he understood my sensitivity. He carried me all the way upstairs to his bedroom, and bundled me up. The way he was acting showed that my little moment was enough to bring him back from his barely drunken state.

"Marty I hate it when you drink. I hate the way the beer smells." I huffed and looked at him, letting my anxiety fade away. When it comes to Marty, if you aren't direct he could completely miss something. "I don't want you to drink anymore today, drink more tomorrow but you've had enough today."

He laughed. It was smooth, like butter and I couldn't help but smile. I shook my head, hair falling in front of my face.

"I'm serious!!" I giggled and hit his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I feel... full. Happy, even. Whatever it was, I wanted to feel it all the time. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing out as much of his breath that I could.

"Stop it!" He laughed, and I beamed at him. He means the world to me, I love him. Mart is like my brother in a weird way. I hope nothing changes, I hope everything stays the same forever. Maybe it could get a little better, but as long as I have him, nothing could ever be that bad.

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