Chapter Seventeen, What happens in vages stays in vages.

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Chapter Seventeen, What happens in vages stays in vages.                                                                  (So dont let me EVER catch you talking about it.)

I imagined my city. Would it be old and classic or modern and new? I decided to build a city that had a combination of both, but I needed to make it work. If I didn't, no one would even want to live there!

The gears started turning in my head. I asked for some sketch paper and a pencil. When I got them, I started sketching out the city. I drew skyscrapers next to old tall building, apartments next older apartments, arched bridges across from old flat bridges, and more. When I looked at my finished result, I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it into the trashcan. It looked horrible!

Taking another piece of sketch paper, I came up with another idea. A Greek city! I began drawing tall buildings with a triangular roof held up by lots of columns and pillars that were visible from the outside. I added in trees, the sky, and the ground. I drew houses and apartments and towers. I added so many buildings that I didn't have enough space on my paper. Then, I began to build.

I was unaware that all my memories of the quest, of the summer solstice, and of the strange girll were fading. I was also unaware if I stayed for very long, I would soon forget everything. Looking back, I felt ashamed of myself.

I looked at the 3-D game and the display board. Then I looked at a computer. I sat down in front of the computer and started inputting mathematical formulas. I figured that the paper was a thirtieth of the actual display board's size. I soon figured out the dimensions and started creating the buildings.

I created building after building. From time to time, I would look at the display board and swell with pride as I saw the city come to life. Suddenly, I realized the towers were all wrong. They were all exactly the same size and they were all too tall.

I adjusted the towers' heights and made them shorter, but all different height. I looked back at the display board and was satisfied.

Suddenly, a boy was next to me. Who was he? He had messy brown hair and really green eyes. I knew him, didn't I? ...Oh yeah, Percy. I turned my attention back to the screen.

I was being shook. Gods, that was annoying. "Annabeth?"

I looked up to see Percy still there. "What?" I said hi. Now can I just go back to building?

"We need to leave." Percy said.

"Leave?" I was shocked. "What are you talking about? I've just got the towers-"

Percy cut me off. "This place is a trap."

I had gone back to designing and didn't respond until he shook my AGAIN. "What?" I asked.

"Listen. The Underworld. Our quest." Percy was just talking rubbish to me. I had no idea what he was saying. He probably wanted to get some food or something.

"Oh, come on, Percy. Just a few more minutes." I said. Then he could eat.

"Annabeth, there are people here from 1977. Kids who have never aged. You check in, and you stay forever." Percy said.

"So? Can you imagine a better place?" There was free food, free games, free water beds, free TV, free everything!

Percy grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from the game, just as I was minutes away from finishing my city and seeing the result! What was wrong with him?

"Hey!" I screamed and slapped him.

Percy ignored the slap, which was kind of hard to do. He made me look directly into his eyes. Then he said, "Spiders. Large, hairy spiders."

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