Old Chapter 2

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I walked into the exam room and was met with an open area. It seemed like the kind of place to be used for sparring matches between people. There was a table with five people seated there watching me. They must be the proctors for the exam. Next to them was a machine that had a bar that gauged something. I walked up to the table and was greeted by the person at the far end of the table next to the machine.

"Hello," she said cheerfully. "My name is Ms. Moon. I'll be recorded your mana capacity with this machine. If you would place your hand on the scanner we will begin."

"Please let it be known that if you can't make it to the first bar or above you will be asked to leave," one of the examiners added.

"Yes," Ms. Moon said.  "If you can't make it at least to the first bar then you won't be able to attend this school. You would fall behind and struggle so if you don't make it please don't be too hard on yourself."

"Okay. I'll take your kind words into consideration."

So this device measures your mana. No wonder this school is so strict. I'll have to watch how much mana I block off. I need to attain a below average score, so I'll aim for a little above the first bar. That should be good enough. I place my hand on the device and I feel a warm sensation surround my hand. I look up at the bar and it goes up slowly. After a few seconds the bar stops at a small point above the first bar. After a few more seconds Ms. Moon records the data and I was told to take my hand off of the device. I did so and waited for further instructions.

"Alright," said one examiner at the end of the table. "My name is Mr. Hamilton. I will be in charge of your next test. You will have a three minute fight with an earth golem that I'll make. There are many ways this test can end. You either defeat my golem or you get defeated. You can also last the entire three minutes, but I doubt that could happen. It said on your form that you use a sword and a bow and arrow. I don't see a bow anywhere on you so you must be using that sword on your hip."

"Yes, I'll be using my sword for this fight."

"Very well," he said.

Mr. Hamilton placed his hand on the ground and light blue particles started to form around his hand. After a few seconds the lights intensified and in front of him an earth golem was built. It had a very slim frame and a very sturdy body. It's arm were long and it's fist looked like they were the fewest things on it that were hard. I unsheathe the sword hanging on my right hip with my right hand. The blade is behind my arm and I'm waiting for the examiner to tell me to begin.

"Start!" he yelled.

As soon as he said that, I run towards the golem with incredible speed. Once I reach the golem I bring my sword up in a cross slash motion. I cut it's chest, but it barely does any damage. The golem prepares to take a swing at me while I'm close to it. I flip the holding position of my sword and prepare to block the incoming attack. The golem hits my sword and I get sent sliding back due to the force of the hit. I don't have much time to think because the golem is making it's way to me. It's a lot faster than it looks and I prepare to return the favor with a similar head on assault. I run and dodge its left fist. It prepares to take a swing from the right and I switch my footing. I spin around while dodging the right swing and slash the golem again in the chest. Before I could get my footing I get kicked in the side by the golem and I'm sent flying a bit back. I get up and decide to end this fight once and for all. I run towards the golem as it runs to me as well. I slide on the ground past it and quickly get up. I slash at its ankle and it falls to one knee. I bring my arm back and swing with full force and take off the golem's head. The head lands on the ground and the golem falls over. It then slowly starts to disappear.

"You're a lot tougher than you look," Mr. Hamilton said. "You took out my golem quite well. You even defended nicely. As much as you could anyways. That'll be all for your exam. The results shall be posted one week from now. Make sure you aren't late."

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