Old Chapter 7

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There were battles starting to begin as everyone was teleported into the huge arena. Among them I was about to have my first fight coming to this school. Amelia Ignis was standing in front of me with a flaming rapier in her hands. From her facial expressions I could tell that she wanted to rip me to pieces. She clenched her hand around the handle of her rapier and attacked me with a trust. I barely dodged it and managed to get behind her. However, she quickly spun around to follow my movements and attacked with a horizontal slash. I duck under the attack and quickly get some distance between us.

"Look Ms. Ignis," I said. "There are a lot of things I want right now, but fighting you isn't one of them."

She looked at me with a maddened expression and pointed her blade at me.

"You think I'll let you worm your way out of this one commoner," she said ferociously. "Think again. I will show you who's in charge. Now draw your blade and fight me."

"I don't really want to fight you," I said. "And I don't really want to use this sword either. I'd rather just go back to my tree and rest."

After I said that she got even more angry. I could feel her mana spiking up. The fire on her blade getting hotter and hotter. I could feel the heat from here and I knew that it wasn't going to be good if I got hit by an attack by that blade it wouldn't look good. She grabs her rapier tighter and mana flowed into its blade. This caused the flames erupting from it to grow more fierce and deadly. It was as if she held a small portion of the sun in her hands.

She did a full force trust towards me and a huge fire blast was heading in my direction. I dodged the attack, but the forest behind me wasn't so lucky. Everything that was in the range of that fire blast was burnt to a crisp. I wanted to catch my breath a little, but Amelia wouldn't let me. She rushed at me and did a flurry of thrust. I was dodging them, but I knew I couldn't dodge forever. So on her final attack, I quickly took out my sword and blocked the attack. The force from the hit caused me to get pushed back a little bit. After recovering I got some more distance between us.

She looked at me with a bit of disbelief. As if she saw something that shouldn't be possible.

"So that sword isn't just for show," she said. "Well then, let's see how long you can last be dodging."

She rushed at me with incredible speed and did a cross slash. I blocked it with my sword and I could feel the force she was putting into every swing through the sword. It was constantly here on the offensive while I kept my guard up. She really wanted to knock me. However, now wasn't the time for that. Her attacks were getting faster, but the force behind them was getting weaker. I took that opportunity to slip past her defenses and deliver a fast jab with the bottom of my sword. I then got some distance from her incase she tries something.

"Now Ms. Ignis I really don't want to fight you," I said pleadingly. "Out of all the people here, I don't serve as much of a challenge. The only thing I have going for me is speed and my reaction time. And you can tell by the way I fight that I'm very evasive."

"Those are just excuses," she shouted. "I don't know what it is, but I can tell there's something about you."

"You have a false interpretation about me," I said. "I'm just here to enjoy my school life."

When I said that, her mana started to rise again. How much mana could this girl possibly throw out in big chunks like this? It was kind of scary. I would hate to see what she's like in the future. Flames started to surround her blade and they seemed to be hotter than the previous ones. I knew that it was quite dangerous for it's size, so I decided to end this fight once and for all.

"You will pay for shaming the hard work of others commoner," she said infuriated with rage.

She rushed towards me and I barely dodged the attack. I bent backwards and I could feel the heat from the flames rush past me. I lost balance and fell to the ground. Amelia was over me with her rapier pointed at me. I guess I lost that fight. The look on her face showed that she was satisfied with her win.

"Well it looks like you beat me Ms. Ignis," I said.

"You're right commoner," she said proudly. "I put you in your place and you should know that makes me better than you."

I know she was basking in her win, but I wanted to know pop her bubble so bad. She was so full of herself. And she doesn't even know that I let her win. Well, until now.

"You're very good at fighting Ms. Ignis," I said. "However, you would fail if this were a real fight."

"What was that?" she asked.

"I said if this was a real fight, then you would lose," I said. "Oh, I hate to burst your little bubble, but I let you win. You see I hate wasting energy on useless things and I was planning to get a below average placement. But who would have guessed that I could use you to get to the very bottom of the ranks. I have to thank you for cutting my badge and allowing me to have the school life I want."

The look on her face when I unloaded all that information went from happy to extremely pissed. She was about to deliver a stab to me, but I disappeared from the battle field. When I disappeared, there was an announcement that showed my name and the rank I got.

Ren Blackwell: Rank 227

When I came to, I was in some sort of waiting room. I guess I really was the first person to get knocked out. Although, I could care less for the rankings. It won't stop me from enjoying my school life to the best of my ability. Now, what could I do now that I have all this free time?

"This teleportation circle looks interesting," I said to myself. "Maybe I could see what makes it work and find a way to use it for myself."


On the battle field Amelia was left angry and shocked with what just happened. She couldn't comprehend how a commoner could talk to her the way he did. She was so lost in thought until the announcement snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up and saw the name and ranking of the first person to get knocked out of the battle royal. Her face lit up with joy.

"Ren Blackwell," she said. "I vow to make your life a living hell if it's the last thing I do. I swear on my royal name that you will not rest at all."

With Ren being knocked out, the fights were getting more intense now that no one had to deal with being the first person knocked out. After the first announcement, there would be more to follow to show that the weak were getting knocked out and the strong were competing for the top spots.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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