Fear of what is going on in the world rn!!

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Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, how y'all doing.
Today i was sitting and asking God questions about everything that's going on in the world now was it his plan, why is it happening and when is it going to end. When I finally got my answers, i have decided to share with all of you, cause I know God would want me to.
• The corona virus (a plague in biblical terms) is happening because of the many sins that are happening in the world people have gone against God and have replaced God in their jobs, in relationships, marriages and so many other laws and validations that are made that go against the plan of God for human life, God didn't cause or want the virus but sin did for it says in:
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God loves the world and it's people why would he want to destroy or hurt his people with a deadly virus but if we choose to turn away from our sins and pray for forgiveness, God will surely come to our aid and keep us away from the virus.
I urge you brothers and sisters to take this time to pray for forgiveness to the Lord so that the mercy and grace of the Lord to save us from the problems that we are facing in the world rn, not only pray for yourselves and your families but for your nation, its leaders and the world.

Remember that God doesn't want us to live in fear but to trust in him but also remember to not let your fear for the Corona virus be bigger than the fear of the Lord and faith that he is with you, he loves you and will protect you always and he is bigger than the virus.

* wash your hands
* sanitize
* stay indoors
* pray
* have no fear

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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