Please stay with me (Bokuaka)

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{Just some domestic Bokuaka for the soul :)}


Akaashi slowly opened his tired eyes, staring at the ceiling as his eyes adjusted. When they did, he groaned softly,  turning to face his fiancé, Bokuto. He smiled at the man's sleeping face, wondering as he had wondered countless times before how he managed to get someone like Bokuto to date him--let alone propose and plan to marry him.

Akaashi placed a hand on Bokuto's cheek gently enough not to wake him, caressing his cheek with his thumb. Bokuto smiled in his sleep at the touch, making Akaashi smile as well. Even if it was a small, sleepy one, Akaashi loved Bokuto's smile.

"Man..." Akaashi whispered to himself, "I don't want to go to work now."

But Akaashi knew he had obligations. It was his first day at a new job and he, under no circumstances, could be late.

But he didn't want to leave Bokuto alone without telling him, given his job hours were two hours earlier than his former job.

He felt bad about this, but he gently pushed on Bokuto's shoulder, "Babe.." He said quietly, "Hey baby wake up.." he said a bit louder.

Bokuto squinted, eventually opening his eyes with a grunt. He was quite tired and not used to waking up this early, "Hm?" He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, looking at Akaashi, "Hmm what time is it?" He grumbled.

"It's four thirty." Akaashi said, "I've got to be to work in an hour." Akaashi explained.

"Then why did you wake up nooooow? Isn't your work only like fifteen minutes away?"

Akaashi took Bokuto's hand and kissed his knuckle, his engagement ring shining in the morning light, "Yes but I want to get there early to impress my boss."

"But whyyyy?"

Akaashi chuckled softly, "You, my love, do not understand how business works."

Bokuto whined, "I do too!" He lied, "But that's not the point!" He wrapped his arms around Akaashi, pulling him into his shirtless chest, "I just don't want you walking around while it's still dark!"

"I'll drive then."

Bokuto whined, that clearly wasn't the point.

Akaashi understood, looking up to place a kiss on Bokuto's chin, "I know you're used to waking up with me every morning." He began, "But this new job is going to pay for our wedding, babe. My old job wouldn't be able to do that."

"But I make enough money to pay for-"

"I told you I wanted to pay for the wedding." Akaashi said. He never liked accepting help from people, and given Bokuto's wages as a professional sportsman, Akaashi felt like he didn't pull his weight enough when comparing their incomes.

Bokuto knew this, Akaashi had told him about his woes before and he had always tried to avoid helping him financially, which he agreed to do until they were married. But damn, it was a whole wedding! Akaashi had a good job, but weddings are expensive.

"Baby, I can't let you pay for the wedding all by yourself. You'll work yourself to death trying to get all that money." Bokuto kissed Akaashi's forehead, "I love you, and I want our wedding to be something we both contribute towards. Think of it as..our first joint act as husbands."

"But we wouldn't even be married until the wedding."

"I know, but it would be what makes us husbands. And besides, I already consider you to be my husband, even if you're not yet legally." Bokuto said, snuggling his head into Akaashi's hair.

Akaashi blushed softly. Bokuto was always able to nullify his worries--even if he caused alot of them.

"So please.." Bokuto said, his words slurring slightly as he was falling back asleep, "Just stay with me for a little longer."

Akaashi smiled, placing his head in the crook of Bokuto's neck. How could he say no?


Thanks for reading! Sorry this one was a bit short. Next one will be either Daisuga or Iwaoi!

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