It's Raining It's Pouring (Kagehina)

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Holy heckle and jeckle I did not expect this book to get such a good headstart. Thank you all for reading. I apologise for the wait.


"I told you to bring a jacket, boke." Kageyama scolded, taking his jacket off and placing it over his boyfriend's tiny shoulders.

"I'm sorry Yama! I was just so excited I ran right out the door." Hinata explained, playing with the sleeve of Kageyama's jacket absentmindedly as he spoke.

Kageyama sighed, looking up at the sky, noticing it had gotten significantly greyer than when they had left. Great. And all he wanted to do was take a walk with Hinata.

"It's going to rain." He said, mostly to the air due to Hinata's only partial listening, "Hinata did you hear m-" Kageyama flintched at the sight of lightning stroking in the distance.

Before he could cover his ears, a loud clap of thunder followed, his hands coming up to his ears too late to block the sound.

"Ooh that was quick. Usually it starts raining first." Hinata said, turning to see a very shaken Kageyama.


"Can we please head home now?" Kageyama said, his voice trembling slightly as he attempted to say the words calmly and clearly.

Hinata cocked his head to the side, inching closer to Kageyama and peeling his hands off of his ears, "Yama? What's wrong?" He asked, though just as he did he realized the answer, "are you afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Kageyama had never really been asked that question. And it really embarrassed him to have his fear put into words. But clearly, there was no other explanation.

"No." He said, shaking his head, "Its just...loud and I don't like...that."

Hinata could tell Kageyama wasn't telling the full truth, but he wouldn't pester. Out of respect and not wanting Kageyama to yell at him. His boyfriend was clearly shaken and he didn't want to make it worse.

"Okay." Hinata said, taking Kageyama's hand and squeezing it gently, "let's go home."

Kageyama nodded, turning to walk in the opposite direction, Hinata following.

The rain finally started to fall, but so far there wasn't anymore thun-

A loud clap of thunder struck, causing Kageyama to flinch and squeeze Hinata's hand almost tight.

"Ow!" Hinata looked at Kageyama, "Kageyama, the thunder can't hurt you." He reassured, linking arms with the taller boy, "It's just a sound."

Kageyama shook his head, his fear limiting his already limited vocabulary, "No it...the lightning..."

The rain began pouring now, another lightning and thunder struck in the distance.

Hinata pulled Kageyama along, "Come on were almost home."

A louder thunderclap resounded, making Kageyama freeze in terror, shaking intensely.

"Kageyama we have to get home!" Hinata pulled at Kageyama's shirt, "You don't want to be stuck out here in the rain right?"

Kageyama just nodded, allowing Hinata to pull him along.

Kageyama screamed as multiple strikes of thunder and lightning rung out in succession of one another. He crumbled, falling to his knees and crying into them.

He was absolutely terrified. He wasn't ashamed of it anymore, he was just so scared that all he could do was cry and shake.

This was so intensely out of character that Hinata didn't really know what to do. But he knew he couldn't just leave Kageyama like that. It was raining and he and Kageyama both couldn't afford to catch a cold.

Hinata kneeled down infront of Kageyama, taking both of his hands in his, "Yama I know you're scared but we've got to get home." He said, placing a hand on Kageyama's cheek and wiping his tears away.

He looked around for a place to take refuge under, his eyes lying upon a slide at a nearby park.

Kageyama pulled Hinata into his chest, hugging him tightly, "I'm...I'm such a coward." He said.

Hinata shook his head, pulling away, "That's not true!" He said, though he knew just his words wouldn't convince him, he looked back at the slide, getting an idea, "I'll tell you what." He said, standing up and helping a reluctant Kageyama to his feet, "if you can make it over to that slide then you can say you're not a coward."

The competitive side forced Kageyama's fear to take a back seat, he took Hinata's hand once again, running along with him to the slide, only slowing down slightly with every clap of thunder.

When they made it to the playground, they hid under the slide, Hinata taking Kageyama's jacket off and tossing it over their shoulders, snuggling closely to his boyfriend for warmth.

He could feel Kageyama's breathing become more and more erratic with every thunder and lightning strike. Hinata crawled into his lap, pulling the raven's head onto his petite shoulder, "I know you're scared.." He said, stroking Kageyama's hair, "Don't worry the thunder can't hurt you when I'm here."

Kageyama would have scolded Hinata for treating him like a child. But he wouldn't now. He didn't deserve it.

Hinata recalled what he had seen his mother do for his little sister, Natsu's similar fear of thunder. She would rub circles into the girls back and hum as loud but as pleasently as possible.

Hinata didn't really understand how it would work, that is until he himself began to hum, he didn't have a lot of faith in it working, but he would try for Kageyama's sake.

Kageyama slowly began to calm down, drowning out the thunder with the sound of Hinata's humming. That's all that mattered right now. Hinata was in his arms and he wasn't going anywhere.

He would be okay. The thunder couldn't hurt him because he had a ray of sunshine to chase the storm away.

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