It's just a stupid Movie (Iwaoi)

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"No." Iwaizumi didn't even think a second before responding to his boyfriend's question.

"Oh come onnnn Iwa-chaaan~" Oikawa whined, "I saw the trailer on YouTube and it looks really good! And it's got one of my favorite actor-"

"Tooruuuu." Iwaizumi mocked, though he deadpanned as he spoke, "You know you're too Chicken shit to watch that movie. You couldn't even handle final destination. And that's not even a horror movie."

"That was some really convincing Gore, man." Oikawa tried to reason, but the shorter boy wasn't having it.

"No means no. If you want to watch it, go ahead. But I don't want to have to deal with you when you get scared shitless."

Oikawa sighed, "You leave me no choice."

"Don't you dare."

Oikawa looked at the ground for a moment, then looked up with the most convincing puppy dog eyes he could muster, "Pleeeeaaase Iwa-chan? We can make popcorn and snuggle up on the couch together under some blankets and we can make fun of the poor directional choices an-"

Iwaizumi grit his teeth, "Tsk..fine. But if you get scared I'm leaving."

Oikawa beamed, "Really!"

Iwaizumi sighed in defeat, "Yeah.."

Oikawa grew a huge grin, pulling Iwaizumi into a hug, "Thanks babe! You won't regret it!"

Iwaizumi, although he would never admit it, enjoyed the hug, but they were at school for Christ sake. He pushed Oikawa away, "Shut up. Were in public, shitty-kawa."

Oikawa took a step back, "Okay okay I get it." He adjusted the strap of his bookbag on his shoulder, "Does tonight work for you?"

Iwaizumi thought for a second, he could think of no previous plans, "No." He lied for the sake of being difficult, though unconvincing enough for Oikawa to know he was kidding.

"Cool! Then come by my place at seven?"

"Yeah fine whatever."


"Oh! Hello Iwaizumi-kun." Oikawa's mother greeted Iwaizumi as she answered the door.

"Hello ma'am." He said respectfully. No matter how many times the woman insisted on being called 'auntie' Iwaizumi just didn't like saying it due to his relationship status with her son and it's lack of formality. It didn't feel right talking so casually with an adult.

The woman neglected to correct him this time, given she had hundreds of times before, "I've got to leave for a girls night in ten minutes, but I left some snack out for you and Tooru, and along side those feel free to help yourself to the fridge."

"Thank you."

"Oh, right you should probably come in." She stepped back and allowed Iwaizumi to take off his shoes and step into the living room where Oikawa was waiting for him, dressed in a black T-shirt and a pair of tacky, alien patterned pajama pants. He also had his hair held back by a white, elastic headband which Iwaizumi always saw him wearing when he'd come over for sleep overs. He guessed it had something to do with how Oikawa always had perfect hair.

"You look like a dork." Iwaizumi joked, taking a seat next to the boy.

Oikawa stuck out his tongue, "I'm adorable and you know it."

Iwaizumi neglected to verify if that was true, "Just turn on the stupid movie."

Oikawa snickered, the truth was all over Iwaizumi's face. He picked up the remote and after the press of afew buttons came to the movie they planned on watching. He had purchased it and decided he and Iwaizumi would stay in and watch it in case he actually did get scared, that way he could turn it off or pause it when he inevitably screeched like a banshee at the first jumpscare.

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