Chapter 1: Project Hells

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Reficul POV

We were sitting at headquarters, bored out of our minds. Niko and Asher were playing chess while Alyssa watched, and I was listening to music. "Can I please play?" Alyssa asked, for the 17th time. "No, you will cheat." Asher replied, without looking up, and Alyssa sighed. "I would never cheat" she lied. "Lier." I said, "You are planning on reading their minds like you have done every time you have played any game" I was reading her mind. "Fine" Asher said, crossing her arms.

"I have an idea." I said, grinning. "We can go kill Luci" "Are you out of your mind??" exclaimed Niko, "Last time he corrupted you, and we are not bored enough to watch that." Everyone else agreed with him, and I said "Last time, I didn't have ya'll. I already have a plan" then I grinned. "What's your plan?" Asher asked. "I can't tell you because then it won't work" I replied, still grinning. Then everyone looked at Alyssa and she said "I can't read your mind right now," and shook her head "you must really not want us to know" "So, ya'll in?" I asked. "I guess" said Niko, then Asher said "Duh" and Alyssa just shook her head and said "You better not get hurt." "Perfect!" I said, and stood up.

We changed into some darker clothes so that we were less likely to be seen.  Alyssa wore some black jeans and a dark red T-shirt, Niko wore leggings and a black sweatshirt, and Asher wore dark blue ripped jeans and a dark blue hoodie. I decided to dress nicer, since I was going to rule Hell, so I wore a black suit with a red tie.

I teleported us to Hell, and we sneaked in front of Luci's throne room. I motioned for them to stop and used night vision to scan the room. Luci had two Hellhounds in each corner, and the Hellhounds could use night vision too. 'Niko, make spikes above each corner' I thought to them. 'Got it' Niko replied, making the spikes. 'more' I thought, as they wouldn't kill all of the Hellhounds. There still weren't enough spikes so I thought 'more' again. There was enough this time so I thought 'Drop 'em' and the spikes dropped, killing the Hellhounds before they could inform their master of what was going on. 'good thing Hellhounds can't look up' I thought, trying not to laugh. 'yea' Asher replied.

'Let's go' I thought, shifting into my Hellhound form and walking in. The others followed, and I felt Alyssa drop the connection between out minds. Luci looked up and said "You found them" thinking that I was a normal Hellhound. Then I spread out my wings, which had a symbol that was a circle with a butterfly and stars in it. The symbol for Universe. Luci's dark red eyes widened, and he said "Reficul, come back for another fight?" I shifted into my Angelic form, (which has long blonde hair in a ponytail, baby blue eyes, and a white shirt with jeans) and said "Yea, but this time you'll die" and grinned, pulling out my golden sword. 

Niko and Asher both threw fire at Luci, and he caught it and threw it aside. Then Alyssa gasped and turned to face me "Why didn't you tell me?" she said. "What are you talking about" I questioned, slightly annoyed that she had to ask me this now. "You're over 100 years old.... but you still look our age? Is that how you haven't aged in the past five years?" she replied, shocked. "I'll explain later, for now we're doing something that's kinda important" I said, and used my powers to make them feel like it wasn't important. Then Niko trapped Luci in a stone cube, which Luci broke easily.

I closed my eyes and forced everyone to hallucinate me just sitting there watching while they fight, and I quickly walked up behind Luci and cut off his head with my sword. His body dropped, but his head laughed and said "You can't kill me that easily" so I switched into my Hellhound form and ate him. Then I switched back into my human form and said "He should be dead now" and started laughing. "Why- How- What the heck?!?!?" Alyssa exclaimed, and I said "No one can survive being digested"

"But why are you laughing?" Niko asked calmly. "I don't know," I said, trying to catch my breath "I might just be having one of those moments that I feel like everything is funny when it's not, gimme a sec" "Asher sighed and said "ok, just don't take to long because we have stuff to do" "Okay, okay, I'm good now" I said, feeling better. "The next thing we should do is fix the Tormentors. Those things freaking SUCK" The others agreed and followed me as I started waling out of Luci's, no, MY throne room.

We walked into the Tormentor section of Hell, and I scanned their ranks. They were all dark, muted colours, with disfigured bodies and black, circular eyes. Since there were a decent amount there, I screamed "LISTEN UP" then all of the Tormentors looked at me, scared. "YOU WILL NO LONGER MAKE PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES, INSTEAD YOU WILL MAKE THEM STAY ALIVE" I continued, and that seemed to make them angry. "Why should we listen to you?!?!" one yelled in it's rough, bone chilling voice. "BECAUSE I KILLED LUCIFER, SO YOU OBEY ME NOW" I replied, still yelling so that they could all hear. This made them even more scared, and they all started to bow to me and the others. "NOW YOU WILL SPREAD THE WORD THAT WE RULE HELL NOW" I yelled, and they all made sounds of agreement. "Good." I said, smiling, then I teleported us all out of Hell.


A/N: This one took me awhile to finish but here it is, hope ya'll enjoyed it. How will the others react to Reficul's age and what will they all do next? Find out in the next chapter =)

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