Chapter 3: Son of a Witch

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It had been a week since the incident, and when I went to do my daily check-up on Alyssa and I saw she was crying. The spell must have worn off  I thought as I called Asher and Prince in. "What is it?" Prince asked hopefully. "I think she's back, but I'm not sure." I replied "Then let's go!" Asher exclaimed before dragging us farther into the dark stone room.

"Alyssa?" I asked her with a cautious look. "Guys?!" she exclaimed happily. I loosened the chain and told Asher to see if it still burned when she tried to heal her. "It didn't burn" Asher replied happily. I grinned and got rid of the chains, then I said "Welcome back" "Thanks" she said. "Do you know who did this to you?" Prince asked. 

"It was a girl with wavy brown hair, pink eyes, and grey skin. I think she said something about being a queen." Alyssa replied, clearly thinking very hard. "I think I know who did this." Prince said grimly. "Who?!" Asher asked excitedly. "My mother..." replied Prince "Oh, sorry" said Asher apologetically. "It's fine" Prince said. "So do you know where she is?" I asked, eager to catch the witch bitch that hurt Alyssa.

"She's probably back at her house, I can take you all there." Prince replied, "We should be careful though, she's really powerful." "Okie, lesgo y'all" I said as I walked out of the room, and everyone else followed. We changed into some comfortable walking clothes before we left, since Prince's mom lived pretty far away.  Alyssa wore a lesbian flag hoodie with leggings, Prince wore a short genderfae flag dress with leffings, Asher wore jeans and a blue hoodie, and I wore purple leggings and a My Hero Academia jacket.


When I saw the house, I was shocked. It looked like a miniature castle, with four brick towers and a very beautiful garden with almost every plant imaginable. "This is your moms house?!" I exclaimed. "It's like a castle" Alyssa said, clearly in awe. I stared at Prince and said "Why the hell didn't you tell me that you're freaking rich?!" "Because my mom has money, I don't." Prince replied, "She doesn't share her money with anyone, not even family" "Wow, she sounds pretty selfish" Alyssa said.

I realized that Asher hadn't said anything since the house came into view and I looked around for her. She was curled up on the ground nearby with her head on her knees, and Prince and Alyssa kept talking while I sat next to her. "You ok? I asked her, and she nodded "Yea, just a little tired is all." she replied. "Okie." I said, and we continued talking until nightfall. "We should head in now." Prince said, and we all started walking towards the mini-castle. When we walked in, we were greeted by a girl that I could only assume was Prince's mother.

"I was wondering when you would come in." she said, and all the exits closed and locked before she continued "To be honest, I'm surprised that you're all still alive.." her voice was smooth, and she sounded very young. "So tell me, how are you not dead." she was almost growling at the end of the sentence, and I replied by saying "A simple mind control isn't enough to kill me." I said, not really sure what to do. On one hand, she mind controlled Alyssa to make her try to kill us, but on the other hand she's Prince's mom and he wouldn't like it if we killed her.

"Well my goal that time wasn't to kill you, it was to kill her." She glared at Alyssa as she said the last word, and I got even more confused. "Why would you want to kill me? I didn't do anything to you." Alyssa said, sounding like she was just as confused as I was. "You're right, you didn't do anything to me, but I'll kill anyone for the right price." she said calmly. "So you just tried to kill my friend for money? Looks like we've got a winner for the worst mom of the year award." said Prince, and he seemed annoyed.

"Yea, also if you try to pull a stunt like this again I will find you and I will kill you, got it?" I said in the most threatening voice possible and pointing a sword at her. "Alright, I'll try not to, just leave already" she said, and the door opened. We left, and Prince asked me "Why didn't you kill her?" "Because she's your mom" I said "and not to be weird or anything, but she's kinda hot" I added, laughing. "Seriously Ref, she's my mother. That's kinda gross" I laughed even more at that and said "Whatever, let's just get back home" I said.


A/N: Insert an image of us walking into a sunset like how they do when movies end lol. Sorry it took me so long to post this, I didn't really know what to write. Imma try to update more, make sure to comment if you have any ideas for what we do next.

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