Chapter 2: The Unexpected Turn

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Reficul POV

We were all just chilling at the base when Alyssa suddenly jumped up. "You ok?" Asher asked. Alyssa just growled in response when I saw it. Her eyes were glazed over, as if she were put under a spell. "Guys, she-"I started, then she threw me against the wall and started choking me. Luckily she was wearing a bright rainbow dress, so her movements were restricted and she couldn't hide in the shadows. Prince then manipulated the water that they had mixed into the fabric of their blue skirt to grab her, before turning it into ice and pulling her away from me.

"Thanks" I said, before walking up to her and placing my hand on her forehead and closing my eyes. I then made my Shadow Magic go into her mind to remove the mind control spell, but when I found it I jumped back. "OW!" I exclaimed. It made my hand feel like it was on fire, and I moved the sleeve of my dark green hoodie out of the way so that I could look at it, and I saw burns. "Fucking demon..." I said under my breath, and then said more loudly, "What should we do?" "Can you fix it?" Prince asked, at the same time Asher said "Let me see her" "I don't think I can fix it..." I said, stepping back.

I felt useless as Asher started using healing magic on her mind, looking like she was struggling. Then she let out a yelp and jumped back. "Are you ok?" I asked her nervously. "Yea, it just burned me." she replied shakily. "What do we do with her?" She asked, looking up to me. Then Alyssa, no, the demon broke out of the ice. I wrapped her in shadows and took her to the cells in the basement. I made some shadow chains for her, being sure they would hurt the demon and not Alyssa, before walking upstairs. "Let's just hope it wears off" I said sadly.


A/N: sorry this chapter is so short, and that it's late. I was waiting for everyone to make their backstorys like they said they would when Alyssa stopped talking to us last month. she has one week to respond before I kill her character bc we can't make stuff about her without her help

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