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The name's izuku Midoriya, I was born with a very strong quirk, so strong it felt like it began to a villain rather than a hero, I thought of my quirk as a curse, because of it I lost all of my friends and even my parents abandoned me, but my life changed when I found a sushi place, after all I was starving since it's been days without eating especially for a 5 year old.

Toshinori POV
Jeez this shop sure is tough to run when it's raining there's barely any costumers, I thought, until I say a little boy outside, peaking in. Do you need something I ask the boy, no response. Wanna come in its raining I say to him, then he enters the shop. I then ask why are you out in the rain. The boy then says this, my parents left me, while tears running down his face. I immediately felt guilty for making him cry, and bring up the topic. I then if he's hungry, he then nods. Ok, I'll make you some sushi, anyway what's your name, I ask the boy. It's izuku Midoriya, he answers quietly. Well I'm toshinori Yagi, I say to him as he eats, may I ask why did your parents leave you, I ask him, no response after 5 seconds. It's because of my quirk, he finally answers. What's your quirk, I ask. It's called inner demon, there's some demon like creature inside of me, it gets stronger the more rage I get, it enhances speed, strength. I felt terrible for this kid, how about I let you live at my place, I tell him. Really would you do that for me, he says of course I would do anything for an abandoned child. After closing the shop I drive home with izuku. I give him some clothes, and feed him, and finally it's bedtime. Yagi, do you think I can become a hero with my quirk, he asks me, and I respond by saying how a quirk doesn't define someone, it all comes from the heart, I say to him. Soon enough I adopt him to become my son, help him train his quirk, he then enters 1st grade.

Izuku POV
Today's the day, I enter school. Hello class today we have a new student who was previously homeschooled, the kids start saying stuff like lucky. Introduce yourself, says the teacher. Hi, t-the names izuku Yagi, my quirk is called inner demon, I say alright Yagi you can sit in between Uraraka and Bakugou, says the teacher, as I walk to my seat, I already hear people say it sounds like a villains quirk. Hi I'm Ochako Uraraka, nice to meet you she says to me. Nice to meet you to as well, I say as I grin. Alright kids time for recess says the teacher. I walk alone to a tree and start writing hero note for the future. Until, two kids walk up to me. Hi my name is ejiro Kirishima, and I'm shoto Todoroki, we were wandering if you wanted to play with us, says Kirishima. Sure, I answer, as we start playing catch, after the short match, Todoroki asks me what I was doing before they invited me. I was writing in my hero notebook, it has a lot of hero facts, I say to them. That's so manly, says Kirishima. We then hear screaming, until we see Uraraka floating herself and doesn't know how to get herself down. Most kids are panicking, I remain calm, and try to think on how to get her down. Then I remember that I can somewhat fly. Then one of the girls suggest that she puts all five fingers together and say release, she then does what the girl said to do, then she starts screaming as she falls, everyone is know scared, I finally take action and use my quirk, luckily I catch her in time, and put her down, and then ask her if she's okay.

Uraraka POV
Hey Uraraka if whatever you touch, floats can't you float yourself, suggests my friend Mina. I don't think that's great idea says my other friend, momo. To late I say as I keep floating then release, I don't know how to get down I start panicking and screaming, saying I don't know how to get down, Mina then suggests to put all five fingers together, then say release, I do as she says, but I start falling at a dangerous height I start falling, thinking this is it, but I don't fell the ground I notice that the new kid saved me from falling, he puts me down, saying that was dangerous, but I ignore him, and start hugging him, while saying thank you

Izuku POV
As soon as I let her go she starts hugging me, while saying thank you, I start blushing, then I say, that I only did what a hero would do. Hey Yagi that was so manly says Kirishima, thanks I say. That was good of you Yagi to help a classmate in need says Todoroki. Then two girls come up to me, and start thanking me for saving Uraraka, I look to the side and see Bakugou calming Uraraka down, I felt jealous for some reason. Anyway I'm Mina Ashido and this is my friend momo yaoyorozu, we cant thank you enough for saving her, they say to me. I only did what was right, I say to them alright kids time to go home, says the teacher. I start walking home until I hear Kirishima and Todoroki, call my name with Momo, Mina , Uraraka and that Bakugou kid. Hey guys, I say, then I get hugged by Uraraka I start blushing again, anyway wanna go to the comic store asks Kirishima. I say, sure. We then start walking to the store, I had I feeling that my life was going to get better soon.

(all might runs the sushi shop, when he goes over his limit, in his skinny form)

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