One for All

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Uraraka POV
After the events of me getting attacked by the villain, my friends tried to calm me down. One by one my friends left. Until it was just me, bakugou, and deku. You okay still seem shaken up, says bakugou. I'm fine, I say. We finally reach my house. If you need anything, call us, says bakugou. Thanks bakugou. Deku can I talk to you for a minute, I say. Um sure. I just wanted to thank you for saving me. I did the only thing a true hero would do. I also wanted to give you this. And what's that. I then kiss him on the cheek, I quickly run back inside the house completely flustered.
Izuku POV
My crush, kissed me on the cheek. I was so happy. I turn around bakugou left, I didn't even see him leave. My phone starts ringing, hello son, can you meet me at Takoba Municipal beach park. Um sure, I wonder what dad wants, I say to myself. I then ran to the beach, why do you want me here in a beach With a lot of trash. Glad you came, I need to talk about something son. What do you need to talk about. It's about my quirk. You have never really talked about your quirk. The true name of my power is called one for all. one for all, I say. Yes one for all is a transferable quirk that can be passed on from one user to the next, the stronger it gets as it is transferred to the next user. Woah, that's a lot of information to take in, no one has ever had a quirk that can be passed down, mutter, mutter, mutter. Stop nerding out. Wait but what does this have to do with me, I say. I have chosen you to become the ninth user of one for all. But why me though. It's because you have the heart of a hero, taking action at your own risks while those so called heroes just stood there, not trying to help, so do you wanna accept my awesome power or not. Yes if it means to become number 1, then I accept. That's all I wanted to hear, your training will start tomorrow after school. Ok well we better get back home.
(Time skip to school)
Alright today you will decide what you want to do with your future, but there's no point because I know all of you want to go the hero course. Yeah says the entire class while showing off there quirks. Don't lump with a bunch of losers, and they're crap quirks. You think your better than us Katuski. Shut up you extras. Ah bakugou, you must be aiming for U.A high school. U.A barely anyone gets in. I aced all the mock exams, I'm the only one to have potential to become number 1. I'll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there!! Oh yeah midoriya, uraraka, ashido, and kirishima, aren't you applying to U.A as well. Tch, I can see these extras might have potential, but deku, they should've put you in Tartarus, you villain, says kacchan.A quirk doesn't define someone, I say back yeah whatever you villain. Bakugou has been acting strange.
Uraraka POV
Bakugou has been actin strange. Alright home room dismissed hey deku, walk with us, I say to him. Yeah man, says kirishima. Sure hold up, you guys wait outside, I'll see you there. Ok I start to wait, but I get impatient and go to see what's taking him so long. I see him packing up, then Bakugou and his friends walk up to him. We ain't done here deku, says bakugou. Analysis for the future, seriously midoriya. Hey give it back kacchan. I see him blow up his notebook. What was that for, says deku. He then throws the book out the window. Ah!, screams deku. If you want to do something good, why don't you turn yourself in, you villain. That was the last straw. Back off Bakugou, I say trying to defend deku. Tch whatever round face, he says as he leaves. Are you okay deku, I say. I'm fine, but what's gotten into him, he says. I don't know. We should go the others are waiting. Right I forgot, says deku. We then get his notebook from the floor and walk home. As we walk, I
wonder what has gotten into Bakugou.

Also, if your asking what happened to todoroki, and momo, well shoto is being homeschooled because endeavor doesn't want him to make friends, and momo went to a private school cause she rich af.

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