Dark Pit's Confusion [Intensifies]

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The common room was the quietest it has been since the start of the new season. Only Marth, Roy, and Pikachu could be found talking amongst themselves. The doors to the common room opened to let in the dark angel, who was on his way to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. A certain yellow mouse Pokémon spotted the angel passing by. All eyes followed the Pokémon as he ran towards the angel and jumped on his chest. The surprised angel caught the Pokémon before it fell to the ground, and held the Pikachu at eye level. "Pika!!" The yellow creature wiggled in his grasp to get closer, but the dark being kept him at a distance, eyeing the animal suspiciously. After a second, Dark Pit rolled his eyes, put the Pokémon down, and continued walking.

"Hey, wait up!" Roy followed the young immortal into the kitchen. Roy walked in front of the dark angel, trying to get his attention. Dark Pit merely walked around the human and opened the pantry, acting as if he hadn't even noticed the other people and the animal follow him into the room. Roy walked up to Dark Pit again and closed the pantry, finally getting the raven-haired boy to look at him. "Whacha doin?" Dark Pit groaned and went to reopen the pantry, but was stopped by a hand keeping it shut.

"Could you move your hand?" Dark Pit asked in a bored tone and held a bored expression to match.

"What's the magic word?"

"Roy," Marth tried to protest.

"Move or I'll make you move," Dark Pit threatened.

Roy didn't listen to either of them and pushed on, "That's more than one word." Dark Pit's fist balled up. Fortunately, Marth grabbed Roy's arm and pulled his hand away from the wooden surface.

"Sorry about that," Marth pushed Roy off to the side, "He can be a lot at first."

"Whatever." The boy grabbed a small bag of chips, closed the pantry, and headed out. Before he could fully get out of the kitchen, Pikachu poked at his leg, getting the angel to stop and look down at the creature. Dark Pit pulled out a chip from his bag and tossed it at the Pokémon. Pikachu looked at the chip, then went to look back at the angel only to see he was no longer there. Marth followed Dark Pit's path out of the kitchen, only to find the common room empty.

"Where did he go?" Marth questioned.

Dark Pit quickly walked out of the common room and to the garden. "That was odd," the angel said to himself. What was weirder was that wasn't the first odd interaction he's had today. He shook his head and thought to himself, 'Perhaps some fresh air will ease my mind.'

The angel found a nice spot underneath an apple tree to relax and enjoy his snack. Before he could reach the tree, some green animal caught his attention. Said green animal ran past him and to the tree. He looked up, opened his mouth, and a long stretchy tongue came out and grabbed an apple right off the tree, eating the fruit in one bite. Dark Pit was taken aback at the strange fleshy muscular organ, letting out a "huh?" He eyed the reptile, 'What kind of Pokémon is that?'

The green creature looked in the direction of the voice and perked up once he noticed the familiar face of the angel. "Yoshi!" The omnivore grabbed another apple, but this time, he didn't eat it. Instead, he held it in his hand, ran up to the angel, and offered it to him.

'Oh, Yoshi the dinosaur. Pit wasn't kidding about the cute factor,' Dark Pit thought, though he would never admit to anyone that he found most of the animals here adorable. He looked at the apple that Yoshi previously held with his tongue. "Uh, no thanks." The dinosaur wrapped his long tongue around the apple and ate it whole. 'That's going to take some getting used to.'

"Oh!" Dark Pit turned to see a princess in pink looking at him, "Good afternoon!"

"Yeah." The boy looked over the princess and concluded she was Princess Peach.

"Yoshi was helping me collect some ingredients for a new recipe I've been working on since the last tournament. Would you like to help us out?"

"Not really." He and Pit would sometimes help out in the kitchen after Palutena's... carrot problem, so he did know his way around the kitchen, but right now he just wanted to be alone.

"Oh?" Peach was shocked, "Are you sure, I think this one will-"

"I'm not interested."

A pause. "Well, what are you doing out here then?" The princess tried to make small talk.

The vein on the angel's forehead bulged. He turned to the dinosaur, "You want the rest of this?"

Yoshi quickly grabbed the bag out of Dark Pit's hand. "Yoshi not the-" the princess tried to protest, but it was too late, "...bag." She scratched her head, "Well, I suppose you've eaten worse."

The angel cringed and shook the saliva off his hand, "I came out here to eat that, but now that it's gone," he started heading towards the doors. Before the princess could say anything, the angel cut her off, "Bye. And don't follow me." And with that, he walked off.

"What is up with these people? Are they gonna be like this every day?" Dark Pit growled under his breath. Being done with this stupid day, the winged creature decided to stay in his room for the rest of the night. At least his roommate Robin wasn't all up in his ass.

Dark Pit peaked his head into the common room and let out a sigh of relief when he found it empty. Not taking any chances that someone will pop out of thin air, the angel ran through the common room and quickly walked through the hallway towards his dorm.

Unfortunately, a tall blond woman came out of nowhere and blocked his path yards away from his door, "Where are you headed to in such a hurry?"

"Just my luck," Dark Pit grumbled, "What do you want?"

Another girl appeared next to Samus. Seeing her pointy ears, the angle deduced this was Zelda, the Hyrulian princess. "We just saw you walking by and wanted to see if you wish to join us in some light sparring."

"Why does everyone think I want to spend time with them? I don't!" Dark Pit pushed Samus forcefully out of his way, making her lose her balance for a couple of seconds, "Now would you all fuck off?"

"Wait!" Zelda tried to talk to the winged creature, following him. The princess almost collided into the angel when he suddenly stopped.

Dark Pit turned around and looked the princess in the eyes, trying to control the rage that's built up in him throughout the day. "I am going to go to my room and slam the door. If you follow me, I will slam the door in your face." That got the princess to stop and stare at him, wide-eyed. She watched as the angel did exactly what he said he would do and slammed the door.

Dark Pit stormed across the room and plopped face first on his bed, growling into his pillow. Robin poked his head into the room and softly asked, "Are... you okay?"

The boy looked up at the tactician, "Are you going to ask me to accompany you to do something?"


"Then I will be," Dark Pit put his head back into the pillow and let out a muffled, "eventually."

The Wrong AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora