The Other Half

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 A few hours went by before the goddess returned. Once she did she let the Hylians know and they can resume their meeting when convenient. Link just finished his last match for the day and decided to get a drink before he made his way to Palutena's room. He grabbed a water bottle and practically gulped it down in one swig. Link let out a heavy breath followed up by panting, half-heartedly throwing the bottle away. The hero looked up and caught sight of the crabby angel having a conversation with the newcomer, Robin, on the big cushiony couch in the common room. Link stood by the trash can for a minute, debating if he should try and talk to the angel once more or leave the two alone and try later.

Link sighed and slowly walked up to the two. As he got closer, he started hearing their conversation. "Do you think Palutena knows?"

"I'm pretty sure she knows something, but she can't just tell me apparently. She has to use some stupid fucking metaphor or some shit," the angel responded.

When the hero got close enough, he noticed the angel didn't seem irritated that he was talking to Robin. In fact, the winged boy seemed the most content he's ever been since the start of the new season. Link immediately felt guilty and changed his mind about interrupting them, but he was too close to turn back now, already catching the wizard's attention.

"Hey Link!" Robin greeted.

The angel previously talking with Robin turned around and made eye contact with Link, his soft features immediately turning into a dark scowl. Link cringed. "Um, hey..." he put on a nervous smile.

"Good job on your fight! It was a well-earned victory!" the tactician smiled at Link while Dark Pit's eyes bored into him.

Link gulped and cleared his throat, "Th-Thanks. Um," the hero stuttered, freezing on the spot, "How are you guys?"

"I'm doing well," Robin responded.

The Hylian and human looked at the divine being, who just closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. "If you want to say something, just spit it out already." The boy being talked to paused, trying to find the best route to leave. Dark Pit turned his whole body towards the blond, eyes narrowed, "Just ask it already so you can stop bothering me!"

Link blurted out the question that's been on his mind the most, "Where are you sleeping?" He immediately regretted it.

Robin and Dark Pit shared the same shocked and confused look. Dark Pit was the first to respond, "What?"

"I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant dorm, what dorm are you staying in?"

The two on the couch glanced at each other, "Mine and Robin's? Where else would I be?"

The blond hero spoke barely above a whisper, "Aren't you assigned to my dorm?"

Dark Pit stared at Link, trying to absorb what he just said. "Your dorm?" he repeated. When the swordsman nodded, the gears in the angel's mind started turning. His eyes widened as he figured out what the hero was talking about, 'He thinks I'm Pit! They all think I'm Pit! That's what Palutena meant!' Dark Pit groaned, "You've got to be shitting me." The angel turned to his roommate, "I'll be right back." He stood up and turned Link around towards the hallway. "Let's get this over with," the angel mumbled and headed to the door. When he realized the hero wasn't following him, he let out a growl and practically yelled, "Are you coming or what?" Link jumped slightly, then followed the angel out the door.

The air was tense as Link followed the angel to wherever they were headed to. He tried to make small talk but his companion either ignored him or gave him a death stare, which shut him up quickly. Suddenly they stopped in front of Palutena's door.

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