He likes me? He likes me not..

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Andy's POV.

My throat burns as I choke down the tears threatening to fall. Breath Andy, he said open marriage. He's not yours. Why would you think he would ever want you? I curse my own thoughts, they are overwhelming right now.
I run out the font foyer into the garden.

The fresh air calming my breaths as I sit on the stone bench covered in beautiful carnations. The red and pink color are vibrant against the plain grey. Paying attention to the small details of these intricate flowers calms me all the way down. My eyes stop burning as I blink.
Why? Why would he say the fling with the girl was over when it clearly isn't. My throat tightening at the thought of her.

"Prince Andrew. Are you doing alright?" A young servant says quietly.

I smile "Yes, I'm alright. How are you."

"Oh, I don't want to bother you with my servants life. I should get back to my duty's. Thank you prince Andrew." He bows and starts to walk away.

"Wait, please enlighten me. I'm not in the best mood right now. I would love to hear about your life, what's your name?" I pat the stone space next to me in hope of him sitting.
He sits down carefully twisting a small silver ring around his finger.

"My name is Jack Duff. I'm the bakers son." He says quietly not meeting my eyes.

"Oh! Are you the one responsible for making those really delicious tart cake things!"

He smiles at my excitement "Erm, No your majesty. That would be my sister. She seems to have a special tart talent, as my mother would say."

"Oh! Well, would you please tell her that I love them. They are amazing. And she should try making blueberry ones. Blueberries are my favorite." My mouth watering at the mention of food. I wanted to have lunch with Ryan, but that went downhill.

"She's going to freak out when I tell her a Prince likes her tarts." He laughs. The mention of tarts making my stomach growl. His eyes look at me concerned "Prince Andrew. Have you eaten lunch yet?"

I shake my head and pick the pretty mixed colored carnation next to me. I lift it to my nose, it smells like pollen and pink? What even is the smell pink. Hunger must be clouding my thoughts.

"May I ask why?"

I meet his eyes then turn around to the window, I know Ryan must be watching me through. I felt his gaze the second I walked out here.
Jacks eyebrows raise.

"Prince Ryan?" He says confused.

"Hmm Prince Ryan. And the lovely Freya." My eyes roll as I pick a petal off the flower. He likes me not I think to myself.

"Oh...well Prince Andrew. I must not let you be hungry before the ball. You'll need all the strength you can get. Come with me your majesty." He stands and walks slowly to the door. I let out a breath. Another petal, he likes me? I bring the flower with me as we walk through the doors.

Jack pushes a small door to a little nook that opens into the bakery.

"Um am I allowed to be back here." I say suddenly feeling out of place.
Jack laughs "Prince Andrew. Your a prince you may go anywhere you like."

"Oh...yeah.." I pull another petal, he likes me not. "And could you please call me Andy. It's what my friends call me."

A smile crawls all the way up to his lips. He nods happily. A little wooden table is sat in the middle of the room. It's covered in bowls and mixing utensils. He pulls a matching wooden chair out motioning for me to sit. As I do I pull another petal. He likes me.

"Here you are Prince Andre...Andy." He corrects himself. A pretty tray with a sandwich, some baby carrots and a strawberry tart is set in front of me. My mouth waters at the sight. But the growling stomach that I hear isn't mine...it's jacks.

I look at him sadly. "Are you hungry to?"

"The servants get fed after the ball tonight." He frowns.

"Not you. Your sharing my sandwich. That's an order." I smile handing him the other half.

"Thank you." He nods biting into the bread.

We sit and eat our food in silence me enjoying being in a place that has a home feeling. Nothing about this bakery has royalty on it. It's all wooden and warm. The feeling making me miss my mother.

"Um Andy." He says uncomfortably. "May I ask you for some advice."

I raise my eyebrows intrigued by the brown headed boy. "Um sure. Go on"

"So I'm a servant. But let's say my lover is. Higher up then me. Almost royal court status. How royally screwed am I?"

My mouth slightly drops open at his blunt ness, but I quickly recover looking for an answer.

"Royal court. Your pretty screwed...unless they want to keep it under cover." I frown thinking about how Ryan said something like that to me.

"Under cover." He thinks the word over chewing the bread slowly.
"I suppose I could talk to him about it."

I smile "So, if it's this important I have a feeling your not going to tell me who it is..."

"My apologies your majesty. But no..." he finishes his half of the sandwich.

"That's alright. But could you tell me about him. What it's like to be...I don't know in love." I pull another petal off He likes me not.

"Oh, I don't even know where to start. The sight of him makes my knees weak. His eyes his hair. Every inch of his face. The sound of his voice. The way he walks. How he doesn't like when his tea is to hot. Or how he can only sleep when there are four pillows in the bed. Or how he hates when people treat me like a servant because to him...I'm his world..."

I stare in awe of the little Irish boy. If only I could have something like that. Someone who would do anything for me. Someone who loves me endlessly.

"I'm sorry did I say too much?" His eyebrows raised.

"N-no. I'm just I wish I had someone that spoke about me like that.." I pull another petal. He likes me.

"Don't you have Prince Ryan..." he says carefully. I give him a half smile.

"Jack. Have you ever had someone who you have a connection with. A weird feeling that is unspoken about. Something there you can't quite put your finger on, but you know it's a good thing. When your brain tells you no, but you heart and body tell you yes...That's how I feel about Ryan. But for him...he choose to listen to his brain." Another petal, he likes me not.

"And what did you choose?"

"I don't know."

The last petal. He likes me.

Hi guys. So I know everything is falling apart with roadtrip right and it honestly breaks my heart. But here's this chapter. I really hope they work things out.
Hehe I put jack in this. I know I know he has a girlfriend but just let me do my fanfic thing okay? But jirsty is honestly the cutest thing.
But anyway if you need someone to talk to about the drama dm me @ random_roadie54 on Instagram. I'm always here.
I love you weirdos

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