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Brooklyn's POV.

"Sonny? Harper? Will you help me with this?" I place my hands together begging.

"Anything, if it helps Andy." Sonny breathes. Harper nods in agreement.

"Alright!! So, Sonny, will you go and talk to the maids setting up the ballroom. Ask them to fill the middle banner with feathers."

"Feathers? Why feathers?" His eyebrows scrunch.

"Ryan and Andy used to play with pillows apparently." I chuckle not really remembering all that Ryan told me.

"I'm not even going to ask." Sonny stands walking towards the door. A quiet click comes from the door as he leaves. Leaving me alone with Harper.

"So what do I get to do." He smiles.

"You get to come with me and talk about music." I stand grabbing his wrist.

"Uh music?" His voice has a worried tone to it.

"Oh, come on. It's nothing to worry about." I drag him quickly down a few halls until we reach the giant double doors.

I take a deep breath and push them open. The ballroom is empty except for a few servants and the band in the corner. I take his wrist again pulling him into the middle of the ballroom.

"I thought this was about music?"

"It is!" I shoot a look to the compressor, showing were ready to hear the selection. The music starts playing and I let my hand out towards Harper.

"May I have this dance."

He scrunches his face "Why are we dancing now, when we're going to do that tonight?"

"Because..." I take his hand and kiss it lightly. "I have to approve of the music selection. But I also wanted to have an excuse for you to be my escort to the ball?"

His eyes widen as we sway.

"If you don't want to that's fine I just thought..."

"Yes! I would love to be your escort!" I sigh feeling all the nerves of the possible rejection disappear.

I pull him around to the beat of the music. I softly rest my chin in his shoulder my eyes closing slightly.

But when I open my eyes they are met with a tears eyes kitchen boy. My heart drops into my stomach.

"Jack?" I say forgetting that he can't hear me...but Harper can.

"Who?" He says softly.

Jack storms off down the hallway. I just messed something up. Me and him have been sleeping together for the past few months. I thought it was nothing but sex no feelings. But the look on his face said otherwise.

"Um nothing I think we should go find Sonny."

"Oh, okay."

I walk out of the door holding hands with Harper wondering how I can make it up to Jack.

Sorry about the short chapter. This is mostly a filler chapter. I wanted to write a little Harplyn drama. And poor jack;(. 
But anyway thanks for reading and actual chapter will come out soon.
I love you weirdos.

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