Future king

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Ryan's pov.

"But father that would result in many unnecessary deaths why.."

"Because I said so Ryan!" I shut my mouth not knowing what to do with my father yelling at me like this. Never once raising his voice at me before today. Even when I was a child, he said nothing good ever came from yelling.

I send a nervous glance towards my mother, Who seems just as shocked as I am.

"Ah. My head." My father winces placing his forehead on his arms.

My parents called me into my fathers study to talk about some important political decisions that needed to be made. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until my father started acting off. Talking In a fast hurried tone. Looking around the room as he talked. This being so different from his calm and collected nature.

"Oh, dear shall I call the physician to have you looked.."

"No. I'm fine." He snaps. "I just need rest. We'll talk about this later Ryan." He slowly stands walking towards the door, my mother following. I grab her wrist making her stop.

"Is father sick?"

"Ryan why would you..!"

"Because he's never yelled at me like that. And the order didn't make any sense. Is father sick?" I repeat softly.

She slowly pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, eyes not meeting mine.

"How bad is it?" I sigh. My father being sick would mean so many changes I wasn't ready for.

"It's not bad... it's just not good. He forgets things then he isn't his self. And with the headaches...the physician says he...if they don't stop soon..."

"He's not going to be with us much longer.." I breath finishing her sentence.

"...let's just pray the headaches stop." She smiles walking out of the room. Typical mom avoiding things that are important.

I make my way down the hallway trying to take in what I have just learned. If my father dies that means I'm going to be...king. It was one thing to talk about, but to actually run the country?

I find myself in front of Andy's bedroom door, after a long time of wandering around the castle hallways. My thoughts being a little too overwhelming, but when I'm with Andy they seem to disappear.

As I open the door I see Brooklyn sitting on the edge of Andy's bed, Andy leaning against his headboard. His room had originally been for visiting royals who came in and out frequently. The walls were a soft grey color to match the off red bed spread. But since Andy moved in, the red has turned to a pastel yellow and little green succulents have been added. The windows have been opened with big flowing  curtains that wave as the wind blows them. Everything about the room now screamed happy and above most Andy. He and Brook seem to be having a very deep conversation, both barely speaking over a whisper.

"Am I interrupting something?" I slowly close the door behind me, making my way towards them. They shoot me a surprised look.

"Eh kind of...but I was going to tell you anyways so, you can just listen to the rest of it." Brooklyn sighs laying down on the edge of the bed.

I flash him a smile and climb up on the bed snuggling into Andy's side.
"Hi" he chuckles.

"Hi." I lean up to give him a quick kiss, feeling Brooklyn's eyes on us the entire time.

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