"Maybe I want to be destroyed."

707 51 24

Ryan's Pov.

I watch him discretely out of the corner of my eye. Andy and my mother seeming to have a lot of things to talk about, laughing and whispering. A slight blush staying prominently on Andy's cheeks. His eyes meet mine for a second before I look away, back the documents in front of me smiling to myself.

"Ew that little exchange just made me nauseous."

I roll my eyes "Hello to you too Freya."

"What not happy to see me." She pouts taking a seat next to me. I feel Andy's eyes on me again.

"Not necessarily no." I say flatly. "What do you want?"

"You.." she says running her hand, discretely, over my crotch. I grab her wrist tightly.


"Why not? You were all about me before the ball? What happen? Did your little fiancé turn you soft." She hisses ripping her hand out of my grip.

"It has nothing to do with Andy. We never should have started this in the first place."

"Hmm. You're in love with him." She smirks. "That's why you seem so soft. What does he make you cuddle and be a good prince Ryan"

"No! He could never make me soft, because I'm not in love with him." I attempt to defend myself, lying in the process.

"Well, that's nice to know." A low voice comes from behind me. I close my eyes as Freya snicker laughs.

I turn meeting a very hurt Andy.

"Andy I.."

"Whatever Ryan." He breaths turning on his heel walking down the hallway.

"Well,  now that he's out of the way maybe we could.." Freya smirks reaching out to me.

I rip myself out of her reach standing. "Don't touch me, or speak to me for that matter."

I turn following Andy down the hallway to his room stopping the door before it's shut in my face.

"Get out Ryan." Andy sniffles.

"No! Andy I didn't.."

"You didn't what rye." His voice cracks.

"I didn't mean what I said to her." I say walking closer to him placing a hand on his cheek. My arm is shoved away almost immediately.

He scoffs wiping a tear with his sleeve. "Right. And I'm just supposed to go along with that?"

"What do you mean go alo.."

"This. This hot cold mixed signals you keep giving me. One minute your stealing lovers glances at me the next you're practically telling the entire court room that your not In love with me." He sobs walking past me towards the door. I grab his wrist in attempt to stop him.

"I didn't mean what I said to her."

He ripped his hand away "Yeah for now. And what tomorrow you not going to speak to me? Or maybe kiss me on the neck and say your falling for me?"

I take a mental step back realizing just how much I've been putting him through.

He lets out an annoyed breath "Right you can't even give me a straight answer to that."

My body tenses at his mumbled words.

"You know this isn't all fun and games for me either." My voice coming off more vicious then intended.

"And just like that it's back to you calling the shots on how this relationship will go."

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"That you can't make up your god damn mind! All because your scared. Scared because what? I'm gonna leave you? When have I eve.."

"You did it once what if.."

"I left because my father died!" He yells "I wasn't leaving because I wanted to leave you!" He pushed my chest slightly. "I left because my father died and I had to go accept a crown I didn't want, nor was I ready for. And you didn't even speak to me before I l-left so how can you even!" He yells shoving me again, it's not hard enough to move me his small frame no allowing it. "I-I needed my best f-friend and y-you didn't speak to m-me." His last sentence getting caught in his throat and he place his hands on and off my chest.

"Andy I..." Suddenly I feel the guilt start to set in. I try to touch stop his little shove attempts

"You didn't care!" He yells tears streaming down his face.

"No." I clench my jaw grabbing his wrist taking him by surprise.

"Let go of me! You don't care! You never did!"

"Stop." I growl. He takes a few steps back with anger and fear set in his blue eyes. I take steps towards him.

"Let go of me!" A hand comes up in attempt to slap me but I take ahold of it, pushing him hard against the door. He thrashes trying desperately to struggle out of my hold.

"Andy. Stop struggling and Calm Down." I say bringing the soft tone back to my voice.

His body stops immediately at my words. Tears still falling as his chest starts to slow down from his outburst. I give him another few seconds to calm down before I speak.

"I'm going to let go now...are you done attempting to hit me?" I whispered as soft as possible trying not to provoke him any further. He slowly nods his head. So, I reluctantly let go of his wrist placing my hands on the door on each side of his head, not ready for him to storm out yet.

"I'm sorry." He sniffles not meeting me eyes.

I softly touch my hand to his cheek, sliding it down to his chin, pulling him up to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry too."

A few beats of silence go by both of us desperately trying to understand what's going on in the others head.

"I've always cared.." I whisper swiping a fresh tear away from his cheek. "I just...don't know how to handle emotions very well."

He lets out a half chuckle "Yeah, no kidding."

"I just don't really like to let people in. Cause if I do then that's another thing that can be taken away from me. And I just.."

"Not everything is going to be taken away Ryan. Just.." his hand brushes a few strands out of my eyes. "Let me in."

"I..I can't it's too dark for someone like you." I smile admiring his face.

"So." He challenges.

"I feel like it might destroy you."

"Maybe I want to be destroyed."

Wow that was intense lol I have no idea where that came from so just go with it.

Another note. What would you guys think I'd if I made a oneshots book. I have a lot of ideas that I really want to write but not turn into full story's so

Yes good idea

No full books

Ily thank you for all the love on this story

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