Exhausted (Johnlock)

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A/n: Soo working on Chapter 2 of A SuperWhoLock Story, trying to see how long I should make it, you know. Final touches sort of thing.

Also, watch Community with my mom. OMC THAT SHOW.

Anyway. On with the story before I go full on rant. XD

Byeeeee! -TS (#New sign off)


John was tired. Sherlock could tell by the nodding off, the persistent yawning, and the rings under his eyes. But he was confused. It had only been...48 hours since he last slept, and Sherlock didn't need sleep for at least 2 more days.

Then again, this was John.

Sherlock wanted to keep him up so he could bounce his ideas off him for the case, but John looked like he was going to pass out.


John felt like he was going to pass out. He couldn't even remember the last time he had slept (a day? Two?), but John tried not to think about it. It only made him even more tired.

He yawned for what seemed like the thousandth time that night. He put his hand under his jaw and blinked, trying to keep awake. John didn't want to go to sleep because he had started to have nightmares about Sherlock. Sherlock (who he just now realized had been staring at him) came over to him and told him that he should go to sleep. John shook his head.

"You're exhausted," Sherlock said, concerned. "You need to sleep."

"No," John mumbled. "Don't wanna."

Sherlock sighed. "Why not?"

John said nothing. He didn't want Sherlock to worry.

Sherlock picked him up (earning a surprised "Oi!" from John) and carried him to his bedroom. He pulled up the duvet and tucked John in. "Go. To. Sleep," he commanded. John, with great effort, sat up and said, "Only if you sleep, too."

Sherlock sighed again. "Fine." He climbed in next to John and rolled over to face him. "John?" he asked, but John was already sleeping.

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