Nightmares (Johnlock)

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A/n: Sort-of-sequel to Exhausted. First feels-y thing. Sorry it's so short. Enjoy!



John heard a small noise and instantly he was awake. The army had made him a very light sleeper. But this noise wasn't gunshots. It sounded like...sobbing.

John walked to his dresser and quietly slid out his gun anyway, just in case. He slowly followed his ears to...Sherlock's room. Now that he was at the door, the sobbing was louder, which meant.

Sherlock Holmes. Was sobbing.

The man of no emotions was currently sobbing in his bedroom.

John knew whatever happened must have been horrible--no, scratch that, absolutely devistating--to get Sherlock to sob.

John left the gun on the floor and slowly opened the door. The noise stopped immediately and the sound of a duvet rustling reached his ears. When he was in full view of the bed, Sherlock was wrapped in the duvet, face down into his pillow.

"Sherlock?" John asked tentatively. "You alright?"

Then he cringed. Stupid question. Obviously he was not alright.

But Sherlock didn't say anything, and that's when John got really worried.

So John at down next to Sherlock on the bed, rubbed his back and gently said, "It's alright, Sherlock, just tell me what happened."

Sherlock rolled back over. "It's not alright," he said, his baritone voice cracking slightly. He sounded...scared. Small, like a child.

"John," Sherlock started, but he says it so heartbreakingly sad that John pulls him into a hug.

"It was horrible," Sherlock continued.

"It's over now, right? It's okay," John whispered, rubbing Sherlock's back again. He lets go.

"I, erm...had a nightmare," Sherlock said. John just nodded.

"You were in it. And, shot." Sherlock's voice wavers as he says this. He looks away from John and to his pillow. "I couldn't save you, you losing too much blood too fast and..."

John rubbed his right arm. "Do you want me to sleep here with you tonight? I mean," John said, eyes widening. "Sleeping in the same bed next to each other." Sherlock nods, and lays down.

Just as John is about to fall asleep, Sherlock says, "John?"

"Mm?" John answers, because he's too asleep to form coherent words.

"Thank you."

John smiles, and then he's asleep.

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