Aftermath (Doctor Who oneshot)

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A/n: I am on a roll with this feels thing tonight. My brain seems to do this thing where if I actually get enough sleep, I'm a fountain of feels, ideas, and awake...ness. XD

K bye.



The Doctor walked into the TARDIS, Donna's hand on the small of his back. She reached behind them and shut the door. Then she turned to the Doctor.

"Alright, stop it now," Donna said to him, slightly agitated but mostly worried. "You haven't said a thing since you got off the train. How do I help you? What can I do?"

The Doctor stared at her, then blinked. A lot. He shook his head and said, "Sorry, what?"

Donna hugged him (for the second time since he got off the train) then let go and said, "It's good to hear your voice again."

"I...think...I was in shock," the Doctor said slowly.

Donna slapped his arm. "Don't you dare scare me like that!"

"Ow..." the Doctor said, wincing and rubbing the place he was slapped.

"Sorry," Donna apologized, then said, "You should be giving me an apology, Spaceman!"

"Sorry, Donna," the Doctor apologized.

"Yeah, well," Donna said, "At least you aren't in shock anymore."

The Doctor nodded and looked away.

"You sure you're alright, though?" Donna asked.

"Yeah," the Doctor said. "I'll be fine."

They walked to the console in the middle of the room together. Donna went left, while the Doctor went right.  He flipped a lever, and they were on their way.

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