Love Makes People Do Stupid Things

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TW: Mentions of an abusive household

"Re, do you ever think about why people fall out of love?"

"Huh... Not really. I don't like love. It makes people do stupid things."

"But... one day... wouldn't you like to have a nice wife..? Like Uncle Don...?"

"Nu-uh. I don't like girls. I wanna take over the world with you when I get older."

Roman smiled at his twin brother's answer, huddling closer to him under their fluffy blanket. The two were only six then, too young to be worried about anything other than their sight words. But in the kitchen down the hall, their parents were screaming at each other again. Remus's cut on his hand pulsed while Roman rubbed the bruise on his forearm.

Their mother screamed angrily and slammed the door. Their father threw a vase.

Remus was right, he supposed, love made people stupid do stupid things.

(adj.) -lovesick, smitten
Roman Sanders was twitterpated.


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