That's Roman Duke for You

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TW: Cursing, mentions of a panic attack, blood mentions, bullying and fight (more like beating up)

"You did not!"

"He did, too."

"Seriously?? God, you might as well have kissed him!"

Virgil sighed heavily. "Jesus. Remy, I know! I got mad, okay?! Steven is such a jerk and I know how much Roman loves that play! That is one of his dream roles and he is perfect for it but won't even try out because he's afraid he'll start more rumors!"

"That's Roman Duke for you," stated Emile calmly. He was curled up to Remy's side and sipping his coffee in the early morning light. He, Remy, Virgil, and Janus were on morning lunchroom duty for the elementary kids. After what had happened that morning, Virgil was certain he would never be able to face Roman Duke again. Never. Ever. Not even if the world was ending and they were the last two people on earth. Not if they had to talk to each other to survive in a dusty dungeon because she had come back and taken Virgil and-

"Mew." A soft gray paw patted his head. He smiled and glanced over.

"Hey, Missy. What's up?"

"Mew mew."

"You're right, you're right. It's gonna be a long day, huh?"

She purred and nuzzled closer to him as a little kid came running up, shouting, "Are you Remus??"

Patton Lyric was waiting outside for his best friend, Virgil, when he heard it. At first a yelp, then the sound of something being hit. Over, and over, and over again. His eyes widened as he looked for the source, but he was too slow. Virgil was next to him by the time he realized what was happening.

As if in unison, the two rushed over to the side of the school building, in the shaded area no one ever went to. A group of brutish looking teens stood over two others, sneering at them as they kicked and punched. Only the larger figure fought back, tears in his eyes as he tried to push them away.

A pale fist met the jaw of the leader, who stumbled back into one of his friends. Patton stood to the side, his blond hair falling in front of his horrified expression before he remembered why Virgil was currently fighting five bullies at once at 3:15 in the afternoon.

He rushed to the side of the two guys, who looked nearly identical. One was sobbing as he pulled at his brother's hand. "Wake up, Ro! Wake up!!"

And then it was over. As quickly as it had begun.

Roman clutched the fluffy blankets over him as soon as he woke up, closing his eyes tightly. His head was killing him. The dark ceiling above him was painted with glowing constellations that he found rather breathtaking. Then he stopped.

"Wait... Re and I don't have glowing constellations on our ceiling... And neither does Logan..."

"Shitshitshitshishit!" Roman rolled off the bed with a loud thunk! before jumping up again. He was in an oversized MCR t-shirt that was definitely not his, as well as a pair of fluffy pajama bottoms that fit quite nicely, once you got over the part where they covered his feet.

The purple door to the hall swung open. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY??"

That was certainly not what he was expecting.

Standing in front of Roman, pale as a ghost, stood Virgil Thorn. Remus stood behind him, looking in worriedly with Janus. Missy pawed around Virgil's feet.

"Where the hell am I??"

"Long story-" Virgil took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, which only messed it more. Before he could continue, Patton popped up over Janus's shoulder, holding a cookie tray. "I'll explain over cookies." He disappeared down the hall.

Roman looked to his brother, who just shrugged. "He saved us. Guess just give the man time to soak it all in. His hands still have blood on them."

"Blood??" he squeaked. "What happened?"

Janus sat on the counter and chatted with Remus quietly as he drank his almond milk. Roman leaned against the island, munching on a cookie. "... Hey, Re? Where's my phone? And uniform?"

"Your phone and stuff are in my backpack. Your uniform was bloody so it's being washed." Remus patted his head. "Also the clothes are Virgil's." He chuckled as his brother's face turned bright red.

"Don't worry. Not like that. He's been on the other side of this building most of the time. JJ says he's embarrassed."

"He is. Jusst doesssn't wanna admit it." Janus glanced at the doorway. "Hey. Why don't you go check on him, Princcey? I'm sstarting to get worried."

"M-me?? Why not you or Patton?"

"He won't talk to usss. We've tried."

"So why would he talk to me?" Roman crossed his arms.

"I dunno. You're good with people. Pleassse? I don't want him to be having a panic attack." Janus gave him puppy-dog eyes, and the other sighed.

"... Fine. But he'll probably just tell me to fuck off."

"Please. Virgil couldn't be that mean to you if he tried. He'd probably burst into tears," said Patton. They all turned to look at him, but he just shrugged. "It's the truth."


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