I'm in Love With Someone Who Hates Me

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TW: Cursing. One mention of a choking kink jokingly

"Good morning, Roman. What do you need now?" Logan hung his bag up in his locker and turned to his friend, his glasses reflecting the red on Roman's cheeks.

"I'm in love. With someone who hates me."

"Again?" The bespectacled junior tightened his blue bow tie.

"No! This is the first time!" he defended as he crossed his arms angrily. Logan gave him an all too familiar look that made the other stop. "Don't do it, Logan- don't list-"

"Janus Rainy, Remy Jones, that guy who went by the name of Critic, Joan and J-" Logan counted his fingers as he said each name.

"Okay okay! Maybe it is again! But this one's different!" Roman snapped one of Logan's suspenders.

"Just like all the others were different, right?"

Roman sighed heavily, crossing his arms again and slumping down to the floor. His friend watched him, unimpressed. "The floor is disgusting, Roman."

"tHe FlOoR iS dIsGuStInG, rOmAn-" he mocked, only to be cut off by a bonk on his head. "OW!!" Roman snapped his head up to look at his twin brother, who happened to be beaming as he wiped some blood off his cheek.

"Stahp it, man. You sound like me!" Remus giggled, then pulled Roman up by his elbow. Logan winced as he heard a pop.

"God. I certainly do not want THAT." Roman rolled his eyes.

"Why not? Maybe you'd get Virgil to notice you, then."

Logan spat out the water he was drinking, causing both twins to jump back. "EW!" they shouted in unison.

"VIRGIL THORN?" he asked. Roman jumped forward and covered his mouth with both hands, slipping slightly in the water. He nearly hit his head on the locker before Remus caught him.

"Shuddup! The whole school doesn't need to know!"

"Wait wait wait. The very same Virgil Thorn who held a boycott on sporks, because one of his best friends said they were racist??"

"Wait. That was Janus's fault. That's Remus's crush, not mine." Remus glared down at Roman.

"I can still drop you into Logan's spit-water." Roman held a hand up to Remus's face.

"And ruin the one connection you have with said crush? You wouldn't dare-"

Roman rubbed his head as he sat in the nurse's office, pouting while Remus talked to Mrs. Quagmire. "I don't know how it happened, Miss! One second I was shutting my locker and the next he'd slipped onto the floor. Is he going to be okay?? I wouldn't want a thing to happen to my dear brother. He's the only family I have left."

'Even doing the fake tears. Screw him,' Roman thought bitterly. Logan sat beside him, reading a book and rolling his eyes occasionally at Remus's words.

"Oh, Dearie, you don't have to worry. Your brother will be perfectly fine. Just a little sore head. But thanks to you getting him here in time, he's perfectly safe." The nurse patted Remus's hair.

"Oh, I'm so thankful!" He beamed at her tearily, before hugging Roman tightly. His twin faked a thankful smile and threw his arms around Remus's neck, squeezing a bit too much. The nurse chatted with Logan while they tried to strangle each other.

Finally, Roman pushed him away when Remus gasped, "kInKy-"

"Gross!! Oh, my god, Remus!!"

Remus cackled. "HA! I WIN, PEASANT!" He did a twirl before bowing dramatically.

Someone clapped slowly from behind them. "Wow, beautiful performance, boyss."

The two whirled around to see Janus Rainy standing there, a large grin on his face. "I wasss nearly convinced you two ACTUALLY hated each other!"

Remus snorted. "Nah. He's my baby bro. Even if I do wanna stab him sometimes, couldn't imagine a world without his annoying face."

"Hah hah, dipshit. We have the same face." Roman gave him a light punch to the gut after his hair had been ruffled, which caused Ethan to giggle.

"You two are cute, I'll give you that." He winked at the taller of the twins and then looked to the side. "Hey, V! Did you take your medicine yet?"

"Yeah yeah yeah. Hold your f**king horses, Jan." Virgil Thorn walked out from the side room as he swallowed a capsule and downed some water. He was in the usual school uniform- a white button-up under his mahogany sweater vest, with black slacks and a dress shoes- but his purple tie was looser than most. Only neater than Remus, whose tie was completely undone and hanging around his neck.

Across his shoulders sat a big, fluffy gray cat, looking half-asleep in her purple vest that recognized her as his emotional support animal. He threw the paper cup away and stuck his tongue out in disgust. "No matter how many times I take them, those anxiety meds are always gonna taste like sh*t."

Janus chuckled, shaking his head and fixing his yellow tie. "Not as bad as mine. Told the doctors I didn't need medicine for PTSD but-"

"Shut the hell up. You needed it. You were getting worse. At least you're not spiraling anymore." Virgil bonked his tiny friend on the head gently. He stuck his tongue out and kicked at the other's shins.

"Just because you're a giant doesn't mean you can pick on me, asshat. For your information-"

"Shuddup, Jan. ANYWAYS-" Virgil spoke louder as he tried to object. "How are you, Roman? How's this year been treating you?"

Roman blushed until his face was the same shade as his tie. "Pr-pretty good. Y-you?"

"Not as bad as last, thankfully. You trying out for that play?" He tilted his head as he looked down at him.

"O-oh... I dunno... Prolly not." He shrugged and looked down at his hands.

"Why not? It's one of your favorites, right?"

Roman shrugged again, and a look of realization came over Virgil's previously confused face. "Oh..." His tone softened. "... Is it cause of what Steven said to you last time...?"

The silence was all the answer he needed. "Look, man. Screw him. I thought you played the part amazingly. Everyone loved you. When your scenes came on, I paid extra attention. And I hated that freaking musical. You've got a gift, so don't let some untalented piece of crap like that tell you otherwise."

The room was quiet as everyone looked at him. He seemed to finally register his words as the cat mewed. "... or whatever. Y'know. Just... lemme know if he gives you anymore trouble."

Remus hit his brother's shoulder as Virgil turned around and dashed out, Janus following him with a slight wave goodbye. Roman's face was beet-red when Logan walked in, looking utterly confused. "... Hey-... What the hell happened this time?"


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