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"Levi, sir?" came a voice.

"What?" Levi grumbled not looking up from his paperwork.

There was silence.

"Damnit Jeager tell me." Levi snapped.

"That wanna be journalist girl is here again," Eren said.

"Petra Ral..." Levi grumbled.

"Yes, she wants to speak with you about the current case," Eren said.

"I've told her a million times, no!" Levi replied.

"Captain Ackerman!" came an all too familiar voice.

Levi cursed. In she ran, barging into his office. Eren took the chance to quickly leave.

"I'm busy go away," Levi said.

"I must speak with you!" Petra exclaimed.

"No." Levi replied.

Petra plopped down in the chair across from his desk.

"I think I found a clue linking the murders!" Petra said.

"Miss Ral, I get you're...enthusiastic about this but quit," Levi replied.

"Let the police do our job and stay out of it."

"Oh, but I can't! It's all too exciting," Petra said.

"Idiot. You're going to get yourself into trouble one of these days?" Levi grumbled.

"So, how about you tell me more about the case over dinner this evening?" Petra asked.

"I'm busy," Levi replied.

"No, you're not, I spoke with your superior and you have this evening off," Petra said.

"You've declined all my other offers so there's no point in saying no this time!"

"If I agree will you shut the hell up?" Levi muttered.

Petra nodded.

"Fine. Just a single dinner, no more," Levi said.

"Oh wonderful!" Petra replied.

"I'll text you where to meet me!"

She left his office.

"JEAGER!" Levi yelled.

"S-sir?" Eren replied walking back in.

"WHY did you let her in?!" Levi snapped.

"I tried to stop her but she slipped past!" Eren replied.

"Thanks to your mistake, I now have to go have dinner with her." Levi grumbled.

"Well...Miss Ral has quite a liking to you sir," Eren said.

"She always talks about you and how you have great skills and are the best detective she's ever met. And...well she has a crush on you."

"Tch." Levi grumbled.

He didn't have time nor did he want any type of relationship. Levi was too focused on his work to really even care about that. He cursed and grumbled more, he did not want to go anywhere tonight.

That evening-

Levi was sitting at a table. He'd been waiting for nearly 20 minutes now and it was starting to annoy him. Just as he was about to leave, she walked in.

"Sorry I'm late!" Petra said.

"I had to get ready!"

Levi grumbled. Petra had done herself up all pretty, in a nice dress and shoes. Levi didn't care. He wasn't interested in this type of thing. They ordered dinner and made small talk, more like Petra did and Levi gave very short answers.

"So, any news on the currents murder cases?" Petra suddenly asked.

"No," Levi replied.

"There has to be something!" Petra said.

"If there were, I wouldn't tell you anyway," Levi replied while taking a sip of is tea.

"Why not?!" Petra whined.

"One, this is a serious and dangerous case! You poking your nose where it shouldn't be will only be putting yourself in that danger. Two, you're not the police, you're an amateur journalist and you have no place being in this case. One day, this is going to come back and get you," Levi said.

"I'm telling you, stop r this. It is not safe and the information I know you've gathered, puts you at great risk if the murderer finds out."

"I haven't told a soul! Expect a rare few at the police station," Petra replied.

Levi sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Do me a favor and just drop this!" he said.

"You know I can't do that," Petra replied.

Levi grumbled. They finished dinner and Levi walked Petra to her car.

"So, dinner next week?" Petra asked.

"Sorry, but this was a one time thing," Levi replied.

"I'm not interested in dating...at all."

Petra's smile dropped. With a sigh, she got into her car. Levi waited till she drove off before heading home himself. 

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