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Late that night...

Petra hadn't told Levi because she knew he would be pissed. Over the last few days, she had the feeling she was being watched so she moved into a crappy little motel to stay out of sight. Petra was sitting on the bed, her notes on the murder cases spread out. She had thoughts on who the murder or murderers were, information on the victims, anything someone would need. There was a knock at the door...

Early morning-

Levi grumbled as his phone rang.

"What?" he answered.

It was Officer Jaeger on the line.

"Sir, there's been another murder," Eren said.

"Where?" Levi asked getting up and getting ready.

"Eldian Motel," Eren replied.

"Several squad cars and an ambulance have already been deployed."

"I will be there in 10 minutes," Levi said.

He hung up and drove over. Eren was waiting outside the room.

"Sir, I think you might want to stay out here," he said.

"I'm the head detective on this case," Levi replied.

"Let me pass."

Eren grabbed his arm as Levi pushed past him.

"Just...be prepared for what you see sir," he said letting go.

Levi muttered and walked past.

"Who's the latest victim?" he asked walking to the bathroom where everyone had gathered.

Levi stopped dead in his tracks. It was Petra. She was collapsed in the bathtub, a gunshot to the head and chest.

"Anyone know her?" a medic asked.

"Petra Ral, age 24, amateur journalist," Levi said.

"This marks number 7 in the murder victims," Erwin said walking in.

"We need to stop this. The city is starting to live in fear and not trust us to protect them."

"We've been working this case for nearly a year now Smith, all dead ends." Levi replied.

"We'll figure it out," Erwin said.

"When?! Huh?!" Levi snapped.

"How many more innocent lives will be taken by these murderers before something is done to stop it?"

"I know this woman was special to you Levi, but letting emotions get the best of you isn't going to help," Erwin said.

"She wasn't special to me, I was trying to make her stop, the girl was an idiot for chasing after these reports. It's what got her killed in the first place." Levi said.

"Yes, I do care that an innocent life was taken just for knowing too much."

Erwin sighed. Levi was right. There had been too many lives taken already and they hadn't gotten any further with the case. They needed help and there was one person who could help.

The next afternoon-

Levi was sitting at his desk when Erwin walked up.

"What." Levi growled.

He'd already been up all night going over all the case files and was grouchy.

"I've brought in some help. An old friend of yours actually," Erwin said.

There was a loud clatter and running footsteps.

"Leeeevvviiiii!" came an all too familiar voice.

"You didn't..." Levi groaned glaring at Erwin.

"Hanji Zoe is the best researcher this world has," Erwin replied.

"And starting as of now, she's your new partner on this case."

"I'm going to kill you, eyebrows." Levi hissed.

"Levi! Long time no see!" Hanji said.

"Hanji...Hey," Levi replied.

Levi didn't hate her, she was just a lot to handle and he didn't need anything else to deal with during this investigation.

"Hanji Zoe is the best with researching these kind of cases," Erwin said again.

"You will be working with her until we catch the culprit."

"It'll be great to work with you again!" Hanji said.

"My office is this way," Levi replied.

The two walked off.

"Oh boy...I don't know if this will be good...or bad," Erwin muttered.

Levi grabbed a cup of tea and sat at his desk. Hanji sat at the second desk in the corner.

"So, how've you been?" Levi asked.

"It's been, well uhm lonely..." Hanji said.

"Why?" Levi asked.

"Mike and Nanaba were moved to a different station several months ago, so I don't have any friends in the force now," Hanji replied.

"None of the people there really like me or understand me."

Levi felt bad for her, she was a hard one to understand and accept, but he had always accepted her.

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