The once and future Queen

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Arthur got up and went to Storm, patted her lovingly and mounted. He rode against Sir Leon this time and I got up to watch with interest to see who would've won the first time around. Naturally, Arthur positioned himself perfectly and struck down Leon with ease.

The whole crowd went wild at his victory and even Uther stood up and clapped. I exited the tent after putting on Arthur's original, blood-red cloak to mask who I was, but I stumbled into Gaius right outside.

"Gwen! I thought..." he started.

"I decided to stay and finish reading my book." I said quickly.

"Aren't you impressed with this, Sir William of Deira?" he asked.

"I believe he's an arrogant pig." I said bluntly.

Gaius nodded and continued his walk, away from the tents. "That was weird." I thought to myself.

I noticed Arthur coming back to the tent so I got inside, forgetting what I wanted to do in the first place.

"Congrats! You are in the finale!" Merlin exclaimed to the poor farmer who let out another laugh of excitement.

"Go on! Your people await you!" said Arthur pushing him out of the tent.

"The crowd is really into Sir William" I said, trying to still sound upset.

"That will change when I reveal my identity." Arthur responded.

"You really miss getting all the attention, don't you?" I scoffed.

"Just... Merlin, go and water the horse, will you?" he said before adding to me in private "Look, I apologize for..." he looked around, not finding his words.

"For being an arrogant pig?" I asked.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, looking into my eyes.

I sighed and shook my head, realizing I couldn't stay upset.

"Well, that's just who you are, how can I be mad at that?" I smiled softly.

"Hmmm" he mumbled meditatively.

He came closer, so close to the point that I could feel his breath on my cheek. We looked at each other hesitantly. I could feel my own breath quicken as I leaned forward, waiting for him to ...

"Arthur! They are getting ready!" Merlin entered the tent like a storm.

Without any second glance, he picked up his helmet and went to the other corner of the tent.

"You still don't like him?" Merlin whispered sarcastically.

I laughed and hit him yet again, this time harder.

We both went outside to prepare to wrap it up for the day, I stopped by Storm to stroke and congratulate her.

"She is a fine horse." a deep, dark voice told me.

"Yes, she is." I agreed.

The stranger was tall and robust, with the darkest skin I've ever seen in Camelot. He looked scary and out of place here, but he was relaxed and trying to be charming.

"Your husband is very skilled with a lance." he added, examining me.

"He's doing well." I played into his game. "Just one more match to go."

"Tell me, what is he like to live with?" he asked.

I looked at him, being rather confused. He didn't back down, I could sense something was not exactly right.

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