Scene 6 - Something Outside

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We return back to the bar. Capone and Jay are becoming more and more impatient. The woman fidgets, angrily. Capone looks to his watch.


Frank! Tony! Get out and see where Masie and Jackie have made out.


Yes, Mr. Capone.

The two men depart.


What's keeping those two clowns? They should be back by now!


Well... this is the first smart thing I've said tonight! And that is that the two boys have run into some kind of trouble.


Hay everybody! For once Binky has said something smart tonight.


Why thank you! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!


You just better be right!

Capone suddenly starts laughing. A smile turns into a giggle, then a chuckle, then full laughter. Binky begins doing the same to please his master. The rest of Capone's gang, except Joy, begin to laugh too because Capone is laughing. They follow. The Doctor and Martha look back at each other. Capone suddenly stops, frowning angrily.

Why you spineless chickens! The lot of you!

There is a terrible scream that plays louder than the band. Everything stops. They all turn back to the door, where the scream must have come from. The Doctor jumps up and rushes to the door. Martha follows close behind him. The entrance is carefully opened, as the Doctor reveals that there is nothing outside. It seems perfectly normal outside, however.


That sound looked as though it came from ground level.


And it sounded like Frank and Tony's voice.


Grab the guns! Come on!

The Doctor and Martha rush down the passage. Capone and his men grab pistols and machine guns, loading them. The Doctor and Martha have rushed up to the surface, and seeing people running from something they spot in the corner – a Brabantian! He is huge and incredibly muscular, made from some form of strong substance stronger than iron or diamond. The colour scheme marks the scout differently in brown. The top of the humanoid form is a huge helmet in the centre where the face should be is the true alien creature. The squid-like creature is contained in bubbling green liquid. It marches through the streets and attacking the civilians, who run from it. Some are blasted to atoms from its red laser.


They're here. The scout has arrived.


Scout? You mean more are on their way?


An entire army will be marching through the streets tonight. They'll be able to hunt it down like a pack animal.

The Brabantian begins firing in their direction. ZAM! ZAM! The Doctor grabs Martha and runs with her back the other way the Brabantian marches towards. They hurry down the corner, as Capone and his men rush up to the surface, and both halt at the sight of the warrior. The men begin firing at it, shooting at its metal and bullet-proof glass shield covering the creature inside. The Brabantian stops from the distance.


What the hell is that thing?

It fires at one of the men, obliterating him into dust.

Fall back! Fall back!

The men all hurry back, still firing at the Brabantian. It however fires a ray at Binky, knocking him down, injured.


Ah! Hay boss! BOSS! Don't leave me!


Leave him Capone sir. We cannot defend him from the metalloid.

Without another word, they all leave Binky behind.


Hey boss! Don't leave me! Boss! Boss!

The Brabantian Scout marches towards him, as Binky fails to get himself up because of the ray temporarily paralyzing his lower body. We see from the Brabantian's glassed green eye view of the terrified man with huge eyes and animated facial expression. Terror and sweat drip down his forehead, as the Brabantian stomps right up to his body, looking directly down at the man.



Flashes of blue light up behind him. Tens and tens more of Brabantian Warriors teleport from somewhere and will prepare to invade. The colouring of their uniforms is instead black. Now, Binky is left quivering in terror of his doomed fate...

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