Scene 9 - Pursuit

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The Doctor and Martha's car speeds down the street. Capone's car is chasing from behind. The time travellers engage in conversation.


Doctor, we need to turn around!


No Martha! This town is about to turn into a battlefield for the Brabantians.


Then how can we stop them?


Well you're supposed to be a Doctor. Think of something we can use to use against them.


You're a scientist too you know. You're not coming up with any ideas. And I don't think a Doctor would run away from saving humanity if he had the chance.

The Doctor keeps silent. The horrid memories of the Time War are starting to haunt him. His breathing increases. BANG! BANG! BANG! Gunshots from behind. Capone was in pursuit of the Doctor and Martha. He and his men fire at the Model T, missing it deliberately.


They'd better pull over now before we bust them up!

Stingy fires at the car, hitting the bulletproof tires and windows.

No Stingy you idiot! You'll damage my car! Force them off the road! If Rocco isn't waiting for them!


Yes Mr. Capone!

The car begins catching up, as the firing increases.


They're gaining on us!

The Doctor swerves around the corner, unexpectedly for Ricca and Capone. As the car spins around the left T-junction, the other speeds straight ahead. Ricca slams on the brakes!



The Doctor and Martha speed down the road.


That should take care of them.

The Doctor has to suddenly slam the brakes too as he comes to a roadblock of cars. The car skids horribly as they almost crash into the two other Model T's blocking the road. It stops. Men rush out from the shadows and point their guns at the Doctor and Martha. One of Capone's most famous colleagues Rocco Fischetti points a gun right up against the window.


Get out! The glass might be bulletproof, but not at this range.

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