Watch Out 👁‍🗨 || 5-4-20

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{Idk, pregame shit. I just wanted an excuse to write about a yandere shuichi. Also, I'm going to attempt a different writing style. First person, actually. Oh, wait, annnnd, it's not actually pregame. Danganronpa doesn't exist, but everyone has their pregame personalities..... k.}

You ever have those days where you wish the purge would just randomly happen? Yeah, I feel like that. I could go for bashing someone's skull in and smokin shit without getting in trouble. Of course, none of that exists. 

Oh, wait. Yeah, the name's Rantaro. I know stories with introductions like this are super cringe, but I felt like I had to to get a higher word count. 

Anyway, my life's pretty shit, in case you didn't know. I work at a shitty retail job and I have to deal with disgusting things called people. I'm sure you understand. But, there was one person who stood out. He seemed relatively awkward, but that was only based on his appearance. His hair was black with a bright blue undertone, bright golden eyes, and a very feminine body. I almost thought he was a girl until I took a closer look. Of course, we didn't talk, but I just wanted to point out that he looked different. Oh, also, we made eye contact, buts that's about it.

Now, anyway, I'm heading home. It was about eight at night and my shift was finally over. Though, it was really dark out and the only light was dim street lights. Kinda like something out of a horror movie. And, as if to add to the ambiance, I felt like I was being followed. Like I cared, though. I could get murdered and no one would care, not even me. When I arrived at me house though, I felt something grab my wrist. I turned, startled, to see a figure behind me. There was a huge psychotic smile on their face, but a hat dipped to cover the rest of their face. "U-Um...?" I muttered before the person pushed me, slamming me up against my door. They placed their hands on either side of my head. Now I could see their face. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it was, though. "Y-You're.... The guy from the store!" I said, staring at his yellow eyes. "Aw! You remember me! I'm so happy!" He giggled. It seemed his face was a bright red with drool running down his chin. His eyes were insane, mixed with a twinge of what seemed like a lust. I reached my hand to the doorknob without him noticing and turned it, pushing the door in. He stumbled and fell forward, falling flat on the ground in my hallway. I just stared at him. I then lightly kicked him to make sure he wasn't dead. Surely enough, he wasn't. He jolted up, standing and walking in. 

"Well, that's one way to welcome someone into your home." He said, rubbing his head. "I wasn't welcoming you. Dude, you need to leave." I said, giving him a stern look. "Aww, but I don't wanna..." He said, pouting. "I can call the cops. You'll be escorted off of my property." I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket. The boy just giggled and shook his head. He then pulled a pocket knife from his jacket. "Hmm. I knew this would happen. You learn somethings after doing this for so long." He said before walking over to me and throwing my phone. He then went behind me and placed his hands on my mouth and knife on my throat, all in one swift motion. I couldn't help but be impressed at how skilled this guy was. "Look. I really like you. I don't want you to get away. You're going to let me have you, or else I wont hesitate to kill you in the most painful way." He muttered into my ear. It made shivers go down my spine. "I-I... Don't care if you murder me.." I muttered, clenching my fists. "Eheheh~ Trust me. I'm gonna make you wish you wanted to be alive. I have ways." He said, playful tone in his voice. Rantaro just sighed. "F-Fine. What do you want from me..?" The person giggled. "Good. First off, I'm Shuichi. Nice to meet you Rantaro." I wasn't gonna ask how this guy knew my name. "Okay, cool. Can you like, get the knife off my throat?" Shuichi giggled once more and removed the weapon. He then went back to being in front of me. 

"Well..?" I asked. "Well what?" He said, tilting his head. "Don't play dumb. Just do whatever you gotta do to me. I suggest you hurry before I change my mind." I huffed. He then smiled and slowly walked over to me. I watched carefully at his every move. Just as I was about to say something, he went up to me, got on his tippy-toes, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I-That's it?" I asked, a light pink dusting my face. "You want me to do more? I'd be more than happy to, but-" He started. "VGBHNJK NO THANKS-" I wheezed. The male just giggled. "Sorry, I just get carried away. I can't help but act like that sometimes... I just wanted to do that..." He muttered. It kinda made me feel bad for the kid. He just has mental issues, no problem...- "H-Hey... Rantaro...?" He looked at me, his eyes sad. He wants to stay here. "Yes, you can stay here." I muttered. He smiled and threw his arms around me. Yay, a wholesome psychopath that I just met is in love with me...! How fun this'll be....

{947 words. Whoops, short sorry. I kinda have problems portraying psychopathic characters and for some reason they end up being wholesome shotas who can kill you in two seconds- anyway, I hope you still enjoyed at least. Here, have my little natsuki shimeji}

 Here, have my little natsuki shimeji}

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