A lesson from the birds

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i love to be in a high floor of a building. to sit near a huge window glass to look at the world around. the view might not always be magnificent. sometimes it's just range of buildings, roofs, empty streets, dirty river with trashes all above the surface. but somehow, i feel at ease. to see more than what i could see from down there. from here, i could see more livings. cars going from many directions with who knows where each of them wants to go. i guess, this perspective gives me this feeling to be more alive. up on this building, i could see birds flying and twirling across the sky. they seems happy and free. they are not worry of what's happening as long as they keep flying. they know they alive, so they are still flying. 

i guess, a lot of us has been stuck in only one perspective all these time. so when the view gets really bad, we would think "ah, this is it. this would be the end". some people are alive but they barely living. so here's i'm telling you, there are lot more there to offer. if you would look to it from different angles. climb a little bit higher and see things from the top, tell me what you see from there. just like the birds that never worry, because they may be small but they see bigger perspective than what we could ever see. 

i'm not telling you to fly, i'm telling you to go on a little more. to find a new way to see things. to see the beauty behind what you thought you've seen. go to someplace high. maybe your rooftop, your office, the mountains, wherever that would be. go and see. see lives you never thought existed. there are so much more living things surround you. there a lot more of reasons for you to be alive. so continue living as long as you're breathing. when you see things from up here, i hope you would think "this is not the end yet". i hope when you see things from up here, you would feel more alive just by looking at the other living things. to see things from this height is truly a blessing. so i hope you would continue living. 


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